I like these little moments that are completely unscripted, you can see the utter bewilderment taking over... followed quickly by “HOW THE FUCK DO I SPIN THIS?”
Don’t worry, I’m sure before we wake up in the morning Trump will have tweeted out how well she handled herself in the face of the “biased liberal mainstream media”.
Leslie “Beverly Leslie” Jordan has to play him in the inevitable SNL sketch. Not only because of the height deficit and Southern drawl, but because it would just mortify Sessions.
Teen Vogue got it right with their piece. Trump was gaslighting anyone who reported on the truth about him.
you are correct..... cause they believe THIS shit
True, and then we can live in Ayn Rand’s America. Better than Gilead!
Yeah, that’s true. Good point. I guess I mostly wish Comey had given us a heads up, like he so generously did with the duplicate e-mails.
Golden showers aren’t, but being blackmailed by Russia might count for more with his fans. Other allegations are that his aides were in contact with Russian officials leading up to the election. But I agree with you that nothing ever seemed to stick to him, so this probably wouldn’t have either.
Why would they leak it? This is manipulation 101.
I mean, if the “lol, i sexually assault women” tapes didn’t sink him, maybe this wouldn’t have either?
Best-case scenario, we get Pence and the begin the Republic of Gilead....
I’m more surprised that they don’t have video of him doing something far more disgusting, but if we’ve learned one thing about Trump - it’s this: there is no bottom to his depravity or coarseness.
People tried. Trump ran off at the mouth so much the media was desperate just to keep up with what he was currently saying.
Because emails/Benghazi/”working class”/Establishment/Shillary/Both Sides Do It.
Everyone was afraid to touch it. Bernstein was the one with the balls to go to CNN, prompting BuzzFeed. Rick Wilson was begging people to take the leap.
They had to wait for someone to leak it.
please be true please be true please be true please be true please be true
“Accepted the mount”
Bambi: Midnight Deerboy