the discourse when the woman is the rapist has always been so fucked. Rape is rape. This entire case reminds me of Aaron Taylor Johnson and his groomer/predator wife.
the discourse when the woman is the rapist has always been so fucked. Rape is rape. This entire case reminds me of Aaron Taylor Johnson and his groomer/predator wife.
So when do the genital and breast checks begin? Thats where we’re headed, aren’t we? Sexually assaulting children to verify their organs.
Dogshit state.
I did not know that about Quvenzhane. Yikessss. Wow she is just an awful person.
I like how she highlighted the EXACT same time and date when those nasty tweets were made as if that is supposed to help. So by that timeline, she was 25 years old when she said all that shit to a teenager who was groomed by a predator for sex. And some things were said PRIVATELY as in not your regular ol’ “trolling”…
Calling AOC a “terrorist” while supporting insurrectionists and treason is RICH. If something happens to AOC...and I’m being dead serious here, arrest this troglodyte on the spot. She’s doing the exact same shit she did to a teen who survived school shooting.
I’ve been pro death penalty pretty much my entire thinking life and only because some crimes are just too heinous and egregious.
I dreamt once my cats died and I cried for a week because of it.
Millionaire who doesn’t work 8-5, has millions and will work with a nutritionist, dietician and personal trainer to get a six pack.
Its pissing off Ted Cruz and the rest of GQP so I like it for that reason.
Them: “Womens sports are a joke, who watches them, slow, boring, low ratings, wnba is a joke, dont pay soccer women more, they dont play as intensely as men, its just boring, booooooooring, not as athleeeeeeeeetic, how bout instead of juggling balls, you juggle MY BALLLSS amirite ladies?????”
His audience is way too large for him to be this irresponsible.
My favorite part is how the Firm traded & negotiated with tabloids to destroy Harry & Meghan instead of talking about Williams cheating and treatment of Kate M. like trash. Ahh princess fairy tales.
ansel is the warm mayo of mediocre white males getting rewarded with stuff in hollywood because of...reasons.
Its kinda sad that its refreshing to see a middle aged white man dating an age-appropriate woman close to his age.