Moving goal posts when personally convenient. Classic white feminists.
Moving goal posts when personally convenient. Classic white feminists.
Anyone noticed how Kaaron Rodgers is looking terrible lately? I swear to God, q-anon shitheads age 10 years in a span of one.
My new Stepford wife gave me a healthy child unlike you Anna Farris. He’s so f*cking gross, and weird and that entire post dried out my ovaries.
Personally, I think its intentional. He’s a massive piece of shit and I believe 100%, he would say something like this on purpose. Allegedly, he wants ton of children, as all toxic Christians do, is being groomed for a political career, and again allegedly, left Anna after she had miscarriage.
I see we regressed back to “I loveee the gayyzzz but I dont agree with their lifestyle and thats ok we are all entitled to opinions...cancel cuuuultureeeee” and its super cool that Chapelle with MILLIONS on his platform has totally validated that stance, that somehow trans and queer existence is a matter of a…
Initially I thought it was just ALL lust, but im kinda thinking they might be in love. Who knows anymore? Anyways, good luck to both.
No hate like Christian love
Dave and his fans/audience would watch transpeople die with glee on their face. They do not give a shit about anything. JK Rowling made an entire career out of it. Why wouldn’t he?
Octavia is not wrong but its also not her place either to say anything.
I love how right-wingers have embraced her as their mouthpiece for antivaxx shit... while a year ago, they would have called her a whore for destroying humanity and families with her Anaconda video.
I would NOT want a unvaccinated fuck near my newborn.
I dont mind unsweetened oat and coconut milks....but cow milk is superior.
Let them die.
Oh she’s a rightwinger 100% and none of this should be surprising. Poster girl for Jesus is Love and #boymom bossbabe.
I dont need this kind of negativity in my life.
He will literally do ANYTHING but seek counseling, therapy or help to help him deal with his mother’s death (which he clearly never processed in a healthy manner) because its so much easier to view yourself as some sorta messiah surrounded by yes men.
There is no “right to my own opinion” when your shitty opinion, not based in any fact or science, KILL or sicken others.
“Im allowed to live MY truth, myyyyyyyyyyyy truuuuuuuuuuuuuuth.”
Thats it. Its just pure refusal for whatever the quack reason they come up with. 3 billion people have received at least one shot and these fucks believe there is a mass conspiracy to kill us all. Who’s gonna maintain capitalism if we’re all dead and sick?