she should be in JAIL for the damage she has done to collective society.
she should be in JAIL for the damage she has done to collective society.
Rape culture still alive and well, I see.
“I’m 21 but like I said, I have the mentality of a 40-year-old, so for me I’m much more mentally and emotionally mature than a lot of people my age,” Charles said on the podcast. “I’m not physically attracted to older guys, which sucks. Like, I would date — the absolute youngest, 18, 19 that looks a little bit older…
Anyone opposing stem cell research & thinks covid19 is a hoax, you refuse the treatment when your life is in danger? Correct?
Demi Lovato is exhausting. One would think making decent music should be enough to keep her name circulating in the media, but nah. Destroying businesses for performative “body positivity” wokeness is a way, I guess.
The slutshaming that followed that illegal revenge porn release was something i’ll never forget as a young woman. Paris is problematic, but on this others have said, 100% on her side.
I was scrolling through Twitter when the video on loop, without trigger warning, popped up, showing this child being executed and I nearly fainted. I cant imagine what it must feel like for his parents and people that knew him.The trigger happy cop didnt even like stop for a SPLIT second to make a decision, he just…
There is NOTHING these films can do that will ever turn me off from watching them with joy. I fucking love this lame corny cars getting launched into space shit.
I came to comment similar. Not to take away from this important step of actually charging an officer for killing someone. Female cops are aggressively more pursued by “justice” than the male ones. Are we really surprised that a racist system is also steeped in misogyny?
My best friend, her mid thirties, married....still cant have full on vaginally penetrative sex with her husband. She thinks is vaginismus or hymen too thick. He’s very supportive and they compensate in other ways but she is horrified about seeking medical help or getting a surgery.
I see couple of things happening with this Colton discourse.
Wait a the officer accidentally grabbed wrong weapon, accidentally UNHOLSTERED the wrong weapon, accidentally removed safety, accidentally AIMED A WEAPON and didn’t feel in the hand it was a gun...gun which is A LOT heavier than a taser, especially if fully loaded.
I came to type this EXACT thing. Animal Control is a thing.
She spent all that money on surgeries and altering her body only to fucking hate herself. Its actually kinda sad. This could have been done quietly as in, ignored or this could have been a teaching moment, a self reflection, a journey to acceptance....but she chose violence and now people are even MORE fired up to…
I was fatigued out of my mind for about 24 hours. My 2nd one was on a Friday and I made sure I had NO plans on Saturday and I ended up spending the entire day in bed....feeling weak and tired.
What did Newsom do to get recalled?