
Moreover, she constantly causes Yato crippling physical pain by trying to seduce Yukine. She is told repeatedly that Yukine's impure thoughts will literally hurt Yato, yet she ignores this to satiate her sexual lust. This, combined with her vocal disdain for Yato's way of life, makes her out to be a selfish,

How did you not see she thinks of him as a little brother? That really went over your head?

As I perceived that, it was her helping Yukine. I mean, anybody would show pity for a young boy living a homeless life, and that was one of the things she pointed out to Yato (it was a fact that Yato didn't make much effort in providing Yukine of a proper care, and this is why his first weapon in the show quits on

That's because she sees him as a little brother...apparantly it's not weird to sleep with your younger siblings in Japan...The only thing she is guilty of is being dense about how the opposite sex thinks and seeing how she is with her friends it's not too weird of an assumption. Hiyori always came of as the standard

its pretty obvious she think of Yukine as a little brother and try to take care of him not seducing him, she is never shown to be aware of Yukine as a man or her action's affect on him

Meh, Hiyori is just clueless. She isn't tempting Yukine on purpose, i think.

I agree with everything here except for one thing, where the hell did you get Hiyori trying to seduce Yukine from? She was just doing normal things. It was Yukine, being a normal young teenager, who twisted all of these things into being perverse/seductive. At the absolute best, it was accidental seduction on her

AAAAHAHAHAAA! Thank you!!!

Let's face it, Chelsea Handler is the Sarah Palin of TV comedians. Wouldn't I love to see a woman host a late show? Duh! THIS WOMAN? For the love of god, please no. She's just awful. I really don't want her a heartbeat away from The Late Show!

Craig/Kristen Bell, Craig/Kristin Chenoweth, Craig/Mila Kunis, Craig/Joel McHale, Craig/Chris Hardwick, Craig/Drew Carey, Craig/Gerard Butler, Craig/FUCKING EVERYONE WHO GOES ON HIS SHOW! He's absolutely the BEST at creating an entertaining show that doesn't feel like someone reading a script.

Ummmm... you can't give Ferguson's show to Handler. She doesn't know how to interview people. She doesn't even know how to deliver a monologue that doesn't sound like someone reading off a script written by frat bros. She's awful.

Fuck that.

Now playing

That "lost" opening always makes me smile.

I have no idea what you're talking about.

Why doesn't she just sleep with someone like she did for her last job? Preferably at Sirius so I never have to hear about her again?

She's horrible.

Craig Ferguson is a national treasure. We can't afford to lose him. Doesn't Carson Daly have a show she can steal?

I swear to God if they boot Craig Ferguson for her I will throw something.

Ugh, she is NOT funny. All she does is say racist jokes and then talks about how she's not racist, so it's ok that she's racist jokes.