

I haz a sad.

I think he's really whispering in the dog's ear. "You are our favorite. The other doggie must be sacrificed for greater good. You will serve us and be our slave. But one day soon we will make sure you are spared. But other doggie will perish. So sad for him."

My reddit client on my phone april-fools-crashed this morning, faking a complete system corruption. I didn't expect it, so I was genuine surprised. For a moment.
10 minutes later the app crashed for real because I was browsing too fast.

I live in Panama and when they filmed the episode here, I can tell you every local who heard about it who I knew was all - what in the flying toaster fresh

This man earns 500 respect points for making Li'l Iron Man happy!

You left out best one: the homage to the way The Flash was drawn with multiple images. I actually got into a minor tiff with Cully Hammer online over this because while they're running stance is incorrect (which bugs him to no end), Carmine Infantino would sometimes draw him like that for a desired visual effect. In

The Joker cos-playing as Sad Keanu?

You missed the best one:

Mark, now I'm just curious here....but what kind of penises have you seen? Because none I've ever seen look like they have a giant warty growth on the end.

Me too! The crab is a close second . . .

My brother had a stallion named Paolo who, despite not being gelded, was the gentlest creature on the planet. It was my job to walk him after rides, and I would do so while discussing my day with him. Also, he had the most heartbreakingly beautiful head I've ever seen on a horse. He would amble along with me, nodding

I almost stroked out on the spot. My hands were shaking for about half an hour afterwards, though I stayed pretty calm in the moment while I peeled the kid off his left hock. I think the kid mostly wanted to pet his tail? But anyway. Jesus. And could not BELIEVE this kid's parents took about three or four minutes

Seriously greatest pony ever. The parents of that child though... that's asking for SERIOUS head trauma.

I would have actually peed myself.

Clone that pony!

My pony, who will give a nice and lively ride to a capable rider, is as gentle as a lamb with children. I was giving a lead-line pony ride on him once, and as he felt the kid start to slide sideways, before I could even move to help, he took one step to the side to center himself under the kid, and stopped right

Just the fact that they'd let the little one lead her like that is pretty convincing proof that she's both sweet and smart. They're trusting her to stay calm, not try to go off on a lark, and not accidentally step on the kid. I'd say Cinnamon is pretty awesome. Certainly her people think so.

Cinnamon strikes me as a good kid's horse: patient and tolerant. The little girl is really not giving her any indication to stop when she does, yet the mare knows to stop and wait until she goes. All and all a sweet tempered animal who will be a great friend for this girl :)

This video makes me SQUEEEE! But it also makes me cringe. Cinnamon is a total saint, very few horses can be trusted to be that conscientious and careful with a kid that small. Not sure I would do that (actually I know I wouldn't, cuz my SO has kids quite a bit older than this one and they are only allowed to lead one

Damn you.

I don't know horses, but Cinnamon seems especially gentle and sweet.