
Piggy and Nicki need to cut a track about trifling bitches.

NO. Nonononononono. I’m sorry, but those of us who grew up on the muppets KNOW that Miss Piggy and Kermit belong together. I’m excited for this show on ABC and am hoping that it will be fun, but they had BETTER deliver at the end with the romance we all want... which is Kermit and Piggy back together. Hollywood happy

Actually, it happened about... twice. Maybe. One of them was more her pressuring him and then giving up on the idea because she quickly realized she knew what she was getting herself into.

Don’t follow Spider-Man comics, loved the 90s cartoon as a kid and love the character (and therefore even the lesser good movies) and have played a TON of the games.

I always read One More Day as Quesada inflicting his own midlife crisis on Spider-Man.

This is only going to be for a few issues, but I *******REALLY******* hope that they stick with it. The best thing that ever happened to Spider-man was him getting married and thus aging with his readers. It was a complete disconnect when they dropped it.

Marvel has made many a stupid mistake in the past, but One More Day is a very, very strong contender for the number one spot.

Other high ranking cases of stupidity are the entire Clone Sage debacle, the way Rob Liefeld drew Captain America, and anything involving Chuck Austen writing the X-Men.

Seriously? You have the biggest animated movie of the year but you made some that didn't do as well as expected. So your solution is to push back the third movie of a planned trilogy BACK another year. You do understand that these are movies for kids right? Are you aware that they do this crazy thing where they grow?

Quicksilver seems significantly slower than his DOTFP counterpart...which I think is a good thing; he was way too overpowered in X-men. Here he looks like he could outrun machine gun fire, but maybe not look like hes freezing time every time he uses his powers.

what if it's not Tony inside the Iron Man suit, but it's an Ultron Controlled Drone Suit and this is what starts things going down the wrong path. Ultron takes over Tony's suit, picks a fight with Banner, shit goes down, someone dies. (someone has to die, it's a Whedon movie and he just can't write emotional

Was I the only one that really disliked the DOfP Quicksilver scenes? I felt it really fell into the easy trap to fall into when dealing with superspeed: overpowering the character. With Quicksilver being able to move fast enough to take out an entire room of armed enemies before anyone else could even blink, I was

Better still, a certain robotic buddy finally realizes his years of loyalty were rewarded with a cold shoulder and verbal abuse. Right up until the moment he "died" in the attack on Malibu.

Iron Matryoshka!

Spoilers: Turns out Ant Man is inside of a Tony LMD, inside of an Iron Man suit, inside the Hulkbuster.

I posted this in Morning Spoilers, but it seems more appropriate here:


I really thought she was going to use her light to kill Bill. I thought she'd summon the ball of energy, and hurl it into his face. There would be a blinding flash... And then when the smoke cleared, Bill would still be there. They'd look surprised at each other, and then realize that the mixing of Hep V and fairy

They teased the idea of bill turning human in the finale. Which would've been interesting. Hep V. and faerie blood make a vampire human again.... Or it could've been stupid. But one thing is for sure, this show missed A LOT of opportunities.

Am I the only one that thought that Bill was going to somehow magically become human again after Sookie fairy-balled him?