
Ew, Bing. Get that out of here.

Very keynote

Please leave your comic-sans-filled photoshops here. Thank you.

He has beautiful teeth...


I found his son.

So be it, it's in my folder now i will wait for the perfect time to use this gif

"And the table legs? Solid oak-OH SHIT, JAWS OF STEEL!"

Cosigned by 'Murica. I'll personally trade them Duck Dynasty for "Let's Try To Eat A Room And Hope It Isn't Actually A Room" (I hope that's what it's called anyway).

I swear, he's about to break into song there.

Dear Japan,

The last frame reminds me of The Rock.

Forget the kids, mang.

Wouldn't compare AT to SpongeBob or RS. Majority of Adventure Time stories end with, or heavily feature strong, smart morals.

Yeah Ninja Theory did say their game has, and I quote, 'Shakespearean writing'...God I hate that game and that studio so very much -.-