
I'm still trying to figure what on earth they were thinking.

Surely the most NSFW article this year was this one.

When confronted with her mistake, said anchor responded with "Well excuuuse me, princess."

Spiders? Youtube video? Spider intercourse?

I had three mice that were awesome. They would run over my shoulder and then hide in my shirt pocket and poke their little noses out. I really gained a respect for them when one of them became very ill. He went blind and then could only walk in circles. The other two would actually come over to him and sandwich

AGREED. I grew up with rats! They're basically little dogs — so smart and adorable. Plus, my hair is almost always knotty so it's the best home for them. (Yes, I'm aware that I'm the Perfect Woman.)

Off topic, but I was reminded - once on my college campus I saw a squirrel ripping some anti-abortion flyers from a board and taking them into what I assume was a nest it was building. Boy was I laughing. Just wish I could have recorded it.

so rage

my dog's not afraid, in fact, he pushes the cat around with his snout and the nibbles on him (that kind of light nibbling they do on themselves when they're itchy) - cat seems to love it, in fact he purrs the whole time, despite what it looks like LOL

so mad
not even pubmed

Such brilliant. Wow.

yes. much claw.

Wow. Much waiting. So scare.


Dog+cat owners usually allow cats to scratch and bite dogs, because it's "cute", but if a dog even snaps back at a cat they get yelled at.

such scare

Mine just lifted his head, perked up his ears and listened for about thirty second then promptly went back to sleep. He's an old man and I suspect he just needed to confirm that there were no puppies in the room who might bother him.