
Who spent a very, very long time studying the aspects, characteristics and reactions of humanity?

You know... I think it's this guy.

I doubt that most Nintendo employees would even get that one right

This feels like it belongs here:

Spike from Buffy the Vampire Slayer. Spike is usually the voice of reason and ends up saying just the right thing even though it's always unexpected. He shows us so much about love, sacrifice, obsession, and heroism,but he can also be dangerous, manipulative, and opportunistic. He loves and appreciates the little

Anya's a great choice, but also…

I am amazed no one mentioned Brian from Family Guy yet.

Cas from Supernatural. Watching him try to understand humans and their motivations, reactions, and habits teaches us a lot about humanity. Also how many characters actually show us just how much people learn from the pizza man?

He will save us all

Whats the point in asking us if you post the best example?

One word. 'Superman'

Take your pic, though I'm going with Gonzo


The Grinch.

You had me at "Anya."

For a videogame movie maybe. But $200 million for a thriller/noir set in an under sea Ayn Randian utopia doesn't sound too bad.

You missed one that should be on this list. While maybe he can be rebuilt, I was sad when he blew up then happy when Tony got him out of the ocean somehow.