
... ... ...

Really doe, that peacock in the background is KILLIN' ME!

So to sum up, he is NOT racist, but all Blacks are in prison while not writing classical music, so whites are the superior race, but again, NOT RACIST, because he has TONS of Black friends.Glad we cleared that up.

I'm guessing that if they read this, his best friends won't be his best friends for much longer.

I think I need a cringe gif for your cringe gif, because it's so perfectly cringe-y

I look at his teeth and all I can see is this:

Jesus fucking H. CHRIST, somebody buy that arrhythmic loser a fucking METRONOME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Oh my god his teeth. It looks like his skull is trying to escape through his mouth.

This can't be real life. He should be glad to get ANY woman to date him. Seriously.

For all his racism, what's he doing raiding Prince's wardrobe?


Spiky high heels and miniskirts, but not, like slutty high heels and miniskirts. Just average high heels and miniskirts.

Created just for this douche.

Not to body shame or anything but for a guy with such high expectations for a woman, he's not decent looking. At all.

So...he's a racist. That pretty much just ends it for me, period. All the other stuff is just shitty icing on the racist cake.

Found her!

I will not date a Black girl. I don’t care if she looks like Halle Berry, I will not ever date a Black girl.

I would not date him in a box, I would not date him as a fox.