
I don't love Nickelback, but I think they are ok. I don't buy their music, but I listen to it if it comes up on the radio.

You know what they say about big hands...

I love Nickelback, says me.

I like Nickelback and I don't care who knows it.

Referencing Nickleback as a bad band is cliched and thoughtless.

Now playing

It it doesn't end with Naruto and Hinata as a couple, then this series will be dead to me.

I'm with you, when I was first coming to terms with my sexually I realized that I was really only comfortable with penis in vagina sex and hand jobs and what was expected was completely different (when did oral become mandatory? Who likes chocking on someone's dick? When did anal become mandatory? When did shaving


I love how his kids aren't even phased by the bat voice. Great video, guys pretty funny.


I thought people wanted to prevent their b-hole hair from getting this long?!

Scott wants his filthy, shameful fantasies of Dr. Manhattan to remain private, thank you very much.

No. We are the same age and if I were dating, I would probably punch any dude who tried that, and who didn't immediately take "no" for an answer and never bring it up again. Don't feel bad about it. Not everyone else is doing it and so what if they are (which they aren't)?

I have to say, this reminds me of the one and only Kardashian episode I appreciate. The one with the two kids was being harassed by her boyfriend to do it, and Khloe (the only one whose name I remember) told her to tell him that if he wants to do it to her, she should do it to him first. And then she chased him around


A guy tried to ask me if I was into ass play. I said, "Sure. I don't have a problem with getting out the strap on." He didn't like that answer very much, but I have been laughing about it for years.

The thing is, these dudes never want reciprocal ass play.

But...but...if nothing in life is free...and you can't buy time...if time is paid for, did you buy it? IS IT FREE?

If this is the only thing the Kardashians ever truly give us it will still all have been worth it. No, not all women want anal. If you aren't willing to try it, then why should I?