
Tiana's hair is Sesame Street approved. Get with it Deborah Brown Community School!!

I bet its due to the implants from when he became Locutus of Borg.

Every time I think I love that man he goes ahead and gets even more adorable. Personally, I think bald men who accept their baldness and keep their remaining hair trimmed and looking sharp are the very most sexy men ever. It's super manly (something I don't usually even care about) and VERY attractive. All you balding

Captain Picard is marrying someone that isn't me?

AMAZING. Let's also take a moment to appreciate the fact that the glorious Sir Ian McKellen officiated the ceremony. I really hope he was wearing this t-shirt!

Darn it, I was so going to post this gif!!!! Nice work!

I'm a straight dude and even I would have trouble turning him down.



Unrelated but I was once bit on the finger by a chipmunk.

The age difference is meaningless in this case, because there isn't a straight/bi/pan single woman alive who wouldn't marry Captain Picard.

I was going to comment on how young his new wife looks but then looking at this picture, you'd never notice an age difference between them, cause the guy is freaking ageless. He must be immortal.

I have owned and loved many "cat cats" who fit this description and alternately shunned me and deigned to offer me affection when they saw fit. But my current babies Kero and Suppi are, I think, the first fully domesticated generation. Dogs in cat bodies. They are big, clumsy, loud, excitable, and while they do

How I feel about wanting kids changes every day it seems. Sometimes I feel like I want kids within the next five years, sometimes I feel like I'll never be ready even if I wanted them, and then others I hate kids and I never want one ever.

I live in a really old, crumbly house and my cat has been an absolute godsend. She gets about two or three mice/rats a week. Our house isn't dirty, or anything, but when the foundations, cellar and walls are all over four hundred years old, there are plenty of nooks and crannies for them to get in to. She always puts

And yet my cats are more like dogs. WHAT DO YOU MAKE OF THEM, BRADSHAW?

Okay but, you know, my cat even waits for me outside the bathroom. He CAN'T get enough of me, for real.

Nothing comes out when he moves his lips, just a bunch of gibberish.