
Can I just say how much I’m enjoying the wrong crossword answers? For some reason, those get an audible giggle out of me every time.

A Walmart spokesman says that the pharmacist refused to fill the prescription because she “believed that it was not medically indicated because it wasn’t FDA-approved” for miscarriage management

That's blackface.

Worst place I ever got sick was camping in the Sierra Mountains with my family. After a week of camping, on our last night, I was struck with a really nasty stomach bug. We had spent the afternoon drinking margaritas, so when the first wave of nausea hit, I thought it was the tequila. But no. How I wish it had been

Sorry, errrrybody. You're already eating bugs if you are eating any ground up grains (see: flour). There's a a certain percentage of bug bits they can't exceed, but if they're below the mark, you're eating all the creepy crawly things.

Got a burning sensation in your nether region? Go to a doctor. Got a burning question about your nether region? A bevy of sex experts including We-Vibe's Global Passion Ambassador Tristan Weedmark will be here this morning at 11am answering all kinds of queries, fiery and otherwise. Help get this party started by

I am so glad that I'm not the only one who thought that.

I honestly thought they were talking about the character from True Blood.

Actually, it's about ethics in skinny-fit suit-wearing.

This is a story of how one of the worst days of my life ended up reaffirming my faith in strangers and in the human race in general.

+1 on the Buffy ice show reference.

Ugh the rape culture in high school is overwhelming at times even as an adult. I had a "boy" (at 19 and over 6'4" it's hard to still give them the leeway of being kids) really aggressively accuse me of being a lesbian when I told him to stop trying to touch my freshmen girls after they told him to stop.

Thank you so much for being the kind of teacher that intervenes. Your students are better for it, 100%. I wish I had had that kind of support in high school when it happened to me.

"There are no bears in San Francisco."


I'm crying and I'm not even sure why I am crying.

I can't be the only one who hears the lyrics as "amazing cunt", right?

He's like a big tree. A big, delicious tree that I want to ferociously climb.

I can't figure out if I have a case of the olds or a case of the youngs - maybe the middles. Is that a thing?

But... but... I thought Sal Tlay Ka Siti was the most perfect place on earth? You know... where flies don't bite your eyeballs, and human life has worth?