
Because mental healthcare in this country is broken. If someone is not an immediate danger to themselves or others, there is not enough room or resources in the system for them. Someone who is smart but desperate can easily manipulate the system to get sent home when they shouldn't be.

It reminds me of all the poly geeks I know who are so damn excited that people will have sex with them now that it's all they talk about. Alt-sex is AWESOME, but it's good to have other topics of conversation.

Why I feel the need to state this, I have no idea...Brent Spiner isn't pasty, the character of Data is.

I've been in the industry for almost 10 years. I'd be curious to know what pizza company is adding "chemicals" to their pizza for aroma. I have never in my career, including my time working on complete junk food, added anything that wasn't found in food to make something have a stronger smell. I'll admit that it

90% of what most people call "taste" is actually aroma. Aromatic compounds go up into your sinus cavity and are perceived differently than they would be when smelled through the nose. It's not a trick, it's adding flavor...


Thank you! I'm amazed no one else commented on that. I honestly thought her boobs were flying around at first! What a horrible wardrobe choice!

That's the "fun" of weight-loss surgery. My stomach is full, so my brain doesn't get the signals that I'm hungry. Sadly, there's no way to trick the brain into think that's enough calories to not be really tired all the time!

It's how the FDA rounding rules work. It's not Coke's call, oddly enough. Which is not to say that they didn't formulate it to be exactly at the upper limit calories/20 fl oz that would label as 0 calories with rounding rules, but the rules are set by the gov.

As a former employee of General Mills, there's no bomb calorimeter on site - they send it to an outside lab that takes care of those kind of tests for them. But the tests are done.

Rounding rules based on serving size. I eat 600 calories a day (weight-loss surgery), and even my jimmies aren't particularly rustled by 16 calories/20 fl oz.

I clicked on this link SOLELY to make a 30 Helens Agree reference. Well done, Lindy *side eye* well done. No head-crushing for you!

I grew up on 90's BBC dramas, so I saw a LOT of the HBC as a kid. In my household, though, she was known as "Helena Bloody Bollocky Bonham Carter" because of Ab Fab.

I keep trying to talk my husband's aunt into trying to date him (they run in similar circles). Even if she's just his beard, I want him at family functions!

There was at least one girl in that crowd whose heart was broken at that moment. I know, because I was her in high school.

I think the "murder motif" was referring to the tone, not the content. His exact wording does have a very weird, "you're next" kind of vibe to it. I didn't get the impression that Laura was calling the moose killing murder - just that the email had a Buffalo Bill feeling to it.

I'm pretty sure my IT dept at work is going to block the website for the local pug rescue. I still have to get around my pug-blocking husband, though. And it makes me equally sad to see the pug rescue pugs.

My husband is also anti-pug. He's perfect in every other way (ok, not really, but close) - I don't know why THAT must be his fatal flaw. Couldn't he cheat or something??

I'm not going to lie, the pug make me bawl. I want a shelter pug more than I want just about anything else. But the thought of someone turning an adult pug over to a shelter is horrifying to me.

What is up with Leo's hair color??