I’m good! Just not around these parts much these days. I've missed you!
I’m good! Just not around these parts much these days. I've missed you!
“All of that said, I am getting goddamned tired of the flamboyantly gay Asian sidekick but that is for another time.”
I love him so much! If any of you (and by that I mean, I know many, many of you) haven’t seen Please Like Me, do yourself a favor and rectify that as soon as possible. It is a hilarious, heartbreaking delight.
I never could stand her. Least now I have an actual reason other than “Hot but can’t act for shit.”
As in “Can I order this to go?” cause she was all wrapped up.
That was a good one, too!
Aw, thanks! Up until that point, I was worried I’d have nothing to work with.
Hope you’re feeling better now, Latoya! That sounds like a fucking nightmare.
Thanks! I’m so glad you all are still here reading it. It’s the only commenting I do these days.
No, thank you! So kind of you to say. It’s been a pleasure!
Clive filming the audition with a huge grin on his face like a proud papa! I died.