Jan Erik Kollstrøm

Ghost In The Shell would not have been made by an American studio with a Japanese actress in the lead.

Yup. The real criticism at the time was that it showed a scene of torture that got a tidbit of information that paid off much later and that supposedly did not happen (torture can never work you know). What amuses me is calling this a military industrial complex handjob when the execrable Argo that won the Oscar was

Strange Days is still her best ahead of Hurt Locker and Zero Dark Thirty. Point Break and Near Dark are pretty good too, but too silly for me…

The Prestige, still. Then Dunkirk. Memento is great on first viewing (I have tried to rewatch it twice and gave up both times). Inception. Interstellar. Begins. Dark Knight. Insomia. Following. Rises.

That number was the low point of the movie, but the rest was pretty warchable, if not really "deserving of a billion dollars"-watchable.

I rest my case…

I have come to see the jokes as so lazy that they show a marked lack of intelligence. But you go ahead…

The year Sandra Bullock won the Oscar for The Blind Side (a terrible movie where she is decent in the first half and awful in the second half) she also won a Razzie for All About Steve (where I thought she was charming in a bad film) and she made The Proposal (where she was terrible in a terrible film). The Proposal

Murder By Death for me. Apparently his first movie role too…

The british were only in control of parts of the middle east for less than 100 years. They took control of Egypt in 1876 to just after ww2, and only had most of the rest in their sphere of influence between the world wars. People seem to think that history started when the british empire were in control and that

I have seen 27 movies from 2017 so far and still haven't given more than 7/10 on IMDB (quite a lot of them though), I have seen nothing really ambitious or risky/challenging. This includes Logan and Wonder Woman. From your list I have only seen Kong (liked Kong, little else) and Great Wall (generic action but pretty!).

Saw it on a movie channel just after christmas here in Norway. It was just so ordinary and safe; the only thing I remember is that it had a weird but quite effective timejump scene or two (not as in scifi but child —> adult).

Woody and Roman are (well, can be/was) actually good though. I have seen quite a few Salman Khan movies (Norwegian national tv shows a few Indian movies each year), and he is definitely not.

I like both Terry Crews and Betty White, but when they get to be members they are really reaching.

He is not allowed to nominate in other categories than his own, but he can vote in almost every other category (except for the ones where you have to prove that you have seen everything nominated).

I am a teacher having my summer holiday. I use the time to watch 3-4 movies each day, and I am sure that I have recently seen a movie doing the same thing, but I cannot remember the title (the movies I watch in summer tend to blur). I remember liking the ending it just for that thing, so it is pretty rare…

It is funny how you above compare the British with nazis and call the Mongols badasses. The Mongols killed somewhere between 20 and 70 millions of a much smaller world population and massacred cities with populations of over 100 000.

Austen lived in the middle of an era where England was the first major power on earth that abolished slavery bit by bit (France did at first as well, but Napoleon brought it back in 1802). In 1772 we had the Somersett case where it in effect was ruled that slavery could not exist under English law in England or Wales.

A few years ago (2014) I saw a list of "Trending" actors and actresses on google. Jennifer Lawrence was the number 1 trending actress, but Lea Thompson was number 10 (well into her fifties). The funny thing was that I had just rewatched "All The Right Moves" and searched her name a few months earlier like all red

I have generally disliked/hated the first ones, but I kind of liked the trailer to the new one that rolled here in Norway (don't know if it is the same all over and don't really care). I generally roll my eyes at "you go girl" feminism, but it kind of worked here, maybe because of the indignities women have had to go