Jan Erik Kollstrøm

I live in Europe and was a student during the nineties. I heard and bought the California Love single. I still like it. It is also the only song by Tupac that I have heard (at least knowingly).

I think Kill Bill part one is the weakest Tarantino film. The fighting bored me and I found it generally lacking compared to the movies he borrowed from (I watched Lady Snowblood some years later, and while Kill Bill is better made you could feel the pain in LS that you never could in KB). The best scenes are the

Your last point is obviously true.

There is nothing wrong with them making movies about what they know and are passionate about and there is nothing wrong with Spielberg making movies about things that he knows and is passionate about. I think Spielberg is horrifically over rated in the US (he hasn't made a great movie in decades) but he is especially

Ava Duvernay: Only black leads.
Barry Jenkins: Only Black leads (only three credits though).
Spike Lee: Vast majority black leads (his movies starring white people while not his absolute best is probably better on average than the rest of his films funnily enough).
Tyler Perry: Only black leads as far as I can tell.

Trump is like a Shakespeare villain explaining his nefarious plot to the audience in an aside, only he does it on twitter and keeps being surprised that his enemies know about his plans. This is what I think makes him kind of harmless in the long run. The ones you really have to watch out for is those that keep their

Yeah, that was it for me too…

If she is and they pull it off successfully it would be a miracle of biblical proportions. I almost hope they do try…

No, but the intersection is not empty.

Bridesmaids is mostly pretty great, and I really liked Spy. Ghostbusters was kind of a trainwreck though…

I see Roger Waters was comfortable with playing in Dubai in 2007 (Homosexuality capital offense, abuse of migrant workers, women imprisoned after reporting rapes, death by stoning still being practised). He seems to have been a guest of honor at the Young Arab awards in Dubai last december too.

That was at least well assembled, but it won because of politics, yes. It was a weak year though, only runner up Oldboy, 2046 and third place Tropical Malady strikes me as films that still have any widespread critical cachet…

With Cannes the jury is everything. They make some baffling choices sometimes, which in a way is refreshing (they are NOT critics and should not be expected to go for critical darlings), but it annoys me when politics trumps quality of film making. My two favorite movies last year were Toni Erdmann (should have won

I watched Satantango last summer over three nights and ended up loving it. It is bleak, and some stetches will probably be boring, but you quite often get paid off by something hypnotically compelling happening if you stick with it. The worst that happens is that you can brag that you have seen a seven hour Hungarian

The screening is not the thing, it is the slight controversy that is really nothing but can become something. If it is ignored it will (probably) go away, if websites write about it it they fan dying embers and it will grow way out of proportion.

Star Wars would have to star an all transsexual cast of octogonerians to gross under 500 million dollars. I loved Fury Road but it was not really successful; it grossed about 380 million worldwide on a 150 million budget which is barely break even (mostly because of not being shown in China).

Ghostbusters. It became a women against men thing, and wasn't a good enough movie to rise over it.

I would never have heard of it if I hadn't read a headline earlier today that I ignored before clicking on this article as it reminded me of it.

One location does not matter, if it blows up it will hurt the film. Best thing is to ignore it, but that never happens anymore.

The screening is not a problem itself, but a fake uproar goes way further and can get much bigger today as you should know.