Jan Erik Kollstrøm

This may end up inadvertently hurting the film financially; if the film ends up being seen as primarily a womans movie (which it is of course is in a way) you may drive away part of the male audience that is most often necessary for these big budget actioneers. It won't matter much in the US I think (Wonder Woman is

Some of the comedy may get lost in translation (and the character types are very nordic), but as I understand Swedish I will categorize it as a drama mixed with a dash of situation comedy, cringe comedy and observational comedy.

From The Guardian about Fausto Coppi: Coppi was upfront about his use of drugs, particularly "la bomba", a mix
of caffeine, cola and amphetamine pills. His great rival Gino Bartali
preferred more natural stimulation and would drink up to 28 espressos a
day. He also used to break eggs on his handlebars, letting the

It's Korean, so most likely someone will die horribly.

I thought I had seen all the movies but found recently that I hadn't seen the fourth one. I watched it, and I felt I kind of had, as they are all so alike.

Rachel Weisz looks good; Rachel Weisz with glasses looks incredible…

When I made the list everybody made about the best movie for each year of our lives my 2001 pick was Mulholland Drive, still the best movie of the 21st century. My number 2 pick the same year would be what I consider the best animated movie ever, Spirited Away. So 2001 was pretty damn strong!

I concede the point…

It was better than the swedish films. I understand swedish (neighboring country) and was not impressed, and was surprised about raves in the US. Everything in Finchers film is either slightly or much better except for the leads where Mara and Rapace are mostly equally good and Nyqvist is definitely more believable as

It is funny how things change. When I watched CitizenFour the year it won best doc at the Oscars I found the subject fascinating but the film itself was amateurishly presented and it was the kind of movie that speaks to the converted without challenging them in the slightest and changes the mind of no one (I gave it a

This is a movie of great moments that actually stuck in my mind for a change, that doesn't quite hang together as a whole (and a little too much Groot). The whole is a B- at best, but watch it for the inspired moments sprinkled liberally about.

The first one was pretty funny (as far as I remember, it has been a while). It was basically the same joke all the time, so three movies was definitely a bit much…

My prediction: She will be killed in the explosion, but we will not see the body. Some people will write angry articles. She will magically turn out to be alive (and probably evil) in a possible third movie…

I loved P`tit Quinquin when I saw it last year; when you got into the weirdness it was both a sad view of a decaying society and a movie that made me laugh harder than any comedy (though it isn´t really one). This one sounds a bit more iffy, but I´ll watch it when/if I get the chance…

I expect that this will mean a movie with well judged direction of character building scenes with dialogue while the action scenes are left to the "professionals" and will look just the same as most other Marvel movies and make me bored, zone out for 5-10 minutes at a time (the last Avengers movie had terribly

I have a terrible but hot Russian hairdresser that is trying to do something like that with my hair. I just let her, it seems to be a long term project of hers…

You can understand it. It is a real minefield now, and the backlash can destroy a movie or series that gets something slightly wrong (someone will always be offended about something it seems). Ghost In The Shell failing can for example be seen as a success for those complaining about whitewashing, but it will make

I read recently that in the 17th century the total black population in England was between 10000 and 30000 (the latter number was used to scare the non black population so maybe exaggerated) of a population of about 5 million. If it was 10000 it would be 0,2%, though most would probably live in or near the bigger

What you are saying is basically that it was not the same as the comic like a fanboy.

It is just ok. Bowie is pretty memorable and Connelly is stunningly beautiful but she was just not a strong enough actress yet.