Jan Erik Kollstrøm

According to the "Hollywood Accounting" article on wikipedia Return Of The Jedi has never got into profit and My Big Fat Greek Wedding cost $6 million, grossed $350 million and lost $20 million…

Saw this on a movie channel here in Norway a few months ago. The movie was fine and performances good, but I don't really think it got the poetry across. B- is more like it…

I play the opening song on Youtube all the time, the rest of the songs works best in the context of the movie. What makes the movie work for me is that the lead characters are still finding themselves as artists and as a couple, and in that way the fact that the dancing is at best competent and a bit messy and the

Hell yes; I would expect no less!

This is the kind of thing where it should be totally acceptable, or even preferable, to tell a person to f*ck off…

I almost wrote Tangled (2010), but those three nominees are hella strong (or regarded as such; I prefer Tangled to them all),

Ronin is pretty good, but I deducted a point while watching it because of obviousness. As Sean Bean was explaining his ambush plan I thought "that looks like a bad plan, because…" just before DeNiro pointed it out. And I am definitely not a tactical genius!

Ater I watched this earlier this year (pretty good!) I told my sister afterwards that this must be what a Romanian comedy is like; compared to the other ones I have seen this is like a ray of sunshine (through a thick fog of course).

I liked Joy (at least first part until she became "old") and loathed American Hustle; I have rarely seen a movie by a name director strive for lightness with as little skill or success as this. Hustle won as best picture with the New York Film Critics, which shows that critics can be as clueless and prone to

This is true; structural racism is definitely a thing, but the way it is used is dishonest.

OED: Racism = "Prejudice, discrimination, or antagonism directed
against someone of a different race based on the belief that one's own
race is superior."

I lost much of my hair in my late 20s and look my age because of it, but when I wear a woolly hat here in wintry northern Norway I discover that my face is quite boyish looking still in my mid 40s. I am a teacher, and on two occasions this last month people who have not seen my hair have taken me for a high school

360? So nothing has changed?

Using IMDBs search feature I have just spent an hour compiling this list out of the almost 8000 ttles I have registered. I am fairly confident about movies made after 2001 as that is when I started registering every movie I saw on IMDB, but before that it is more spotty. Was a bit uncertain about how to separate best

Spring Breakers may be my favorite non Malick english language movie since 2010. In a strange way thematically similar to "Distant Voices, Still Lives" mixed with "Rubber Ring" by The Smiths. And girls in bikinis.

Ambersons is brilliant at its peaks, but it is understandably pretty uneven and at times, yes, a bit boring. Kane is consistently brilliant.

I HATED the opening song, thought the animated characters were poorly integrated with the human characters at times, thought "Be My Guest" was way too busily staged. Really liked Gaston (#TeamGaston). The leads were ok. After a while I acclimatized myself to this as a B- level effort and enjoyed it more. Still think

I actually liked the bonkers Gods stuff; the forgettable regular people were the problem…

When it became clear that she would be in the Oscar race this year I really expected that SOMEONE would make a mistake while writing her name and create a small scandal, but I guess everybody had the common sense to check before hitting send…

Best is pushing it (was in my top 10 last year just between La La Land and Moonlight), but he is doing his own thing completely detached from things like "plot" and "coherent story" that noone else comes close to doing and I love him for it. His current movies are mostly like poems that through flashes of memory try