Jan Erik Kollstrøm

I don't think the name is all that important, but superhero movies contain basically two kind of scenes: Character building scenes outlining the plot, and action scenes. For the action you have specialized units that know their stuff, but the difficult thing is to shoot the first kind without making it seem silly. I

Some black people did own slaves in the south, mostly family members but not exclusively.

Yes about Milk. I actually described it as a Wikipedia movie to a colleague the year it came out. Otherwise it was good I guess. Thought Brolin was best in show…

I read it for the hilarious outrage and for articles with 50 pictures of celebrities walking from a restaurant to their car with tips on how to buy clothes that look vaguely similar. I feel no guilt about this.

In "Only a Poor Old Man" (by Carl Barks, so it is canonical) Scrooge fools the Beagle Boys by tricking them into diving into the money bin after showing them that he can do it just when they thought they had beaten him. They get knocked out of course, and Scrooge admits that it is a trick only he can do.

The whole Rollo Tomassi plot point was not in the book and is just a way to put Exley on Smith's tail quickly just to cut down an already lengthy screenplay. Why would he say it?! It is just so stupid!

She is tolerable in small doses, but it gets old quickly. She can give life to a movie by turning up and doing her thing in a supporting role pretty effectively, but more than that and it gets annoying. I feel that way about Kate McKinnon too; in short sketches her schtick can work but in every movie I have seen with

Any "best of" list with Titanic over L.A. Confidential is pure bullshit. Titanic is two hours of atrocious writing and Keystone Cops level acting followed by one hour of pretty great effects work. L.A.Confidential is, one scene apart, basically perfect…

The stairway scene is basically the only really good sequence in the movie (but yes, if you like action that scene makes the movie worth seeing).

Pimp roles are extremely difficult to pull off, but they can work; saw an interview with Morgan Freeman from a few years ago where hes was asked what his favorite role was and he answered the pimp from "Street Smart", his first Oscar-nominated role and his breakthrough. He is a strong actor though and changed the role

Racial stereotypes aside, isn`t this a bad thing? Black villains seem to have become a rarity in modern movies at least; it seems that the fear of the stereotyping of black people as criminals have led to the same cliche of the "noble savage" that haunted (and still partly haunts) native american characters. They are

True, but the mask is part of the design and had an eerie quality to it.

The directors are the second artiest guild after the writers in the academy, so this would surprise me (the surprises are more Malick/Haneke/Lynch than more populist fare, they have snubbed Spielberg repeatedly and Nolan has no nominations, not even for Inception which got a picture nod). They only nominate five

The character design on her was great. Her face is what stuck with me from the trailers and the little we saw of her in the movie…

When you don't know what your own bullshit talking points mean it is a sign of mental deficiencies way beyond the norm. Are you Trump posing as a liberal? You are, aren't you?

You ARE stupid. Using "mansplaining" (and it is used when men explain things to women that the women already know; I have no way of knowing if you are a woman going by your name and avatar, so you seem to have a retarded way with language as well) is a cowards way of shutting down a discussion you are losing based on

I am just over 50% Finnish, 25% Sami and the rest a mix of Swedish, Norwegian and, according to family legend, French Royalty. I am also two generations away from subsistence farming on my mothers side of the family. All of which is totally irrelevant.

Ah yes, when you don't know what you are talking about we get the ultimate liberal insult. I thought you could be just wilfully stupid, but it turns out you are just stupid.

Wonder Woman is no better than Ghost In The Shell. Visually it is less interesting, and it falls apart after the trench scene (though I liked the optimism of the character and her getting to grips with the world being more complicated than truly manichean).

The fact that you seem to think that it could have been shows that you have no idea how box office (or studios) work. You have a 110 million dollar investment in a weird concept that is basically unknown in the west (the original animated film made just over $500 000 in the US) and a fringe property even in Asia, so