Nihongo Hanashimasen.


We were horrible children, just took it for granted.  Never helped or protested. Merrick Garland, and who knows what else because we weren't paying attention.

Take the job. Be sure to cover your ass keeping a diary with contemporaneous notes of everything that goes on, both good and bad. Don’t do anything that would leave digital tracks such as logging into a computer and borrowing information that you’re not supposed to have. Did I tell you already, cover your ass, both

Take the job.  Not everyone has the luxury of sticking to their values and there is no shame in that.  Just don't drink the Kool-aid and jump ship as soon as you feasibly can.  Good luck swimming in that cesspool.  Something tells me you'll need it considering their lawsuits...

All the love and foot rubs to you, Mr Botticelli, and the lovely Barack and Michelle💜

Happy anniversary! 

I may have my differences with Barack politically, but when I see those two together? You can’t but just look at them and:

ohhhh really good idea.   

You should take the job and be our mole! Think of it as being a double agent, lying in wait until the perfect moment when ZAP! You bring the whole fucking thing down.

TIL that hubs and I share an anniversary with the Obamas, a fact that I will cherish in my cold, cynical heart.

You can think about ethics when your money situation improves. Sticking to your values won’t put food on your table and you’re not being asked to go on TV and make announcements that would go against your ideals.

I’m considering a job at Fox News. I used to be a Booker but have been out of work for 5-6 months now, and they’re one of the only places that called back.

I have a feeling I could get it, but I don’t know if it’d be worth “selling my soul” so to speak. I allign with the left on everything, and I’m sure not everyone

Every time I see the Obamas:

I wish more single famous women would talk about it. A lot of people in relationships refuse to accept the notion that single people could be as happy as they are. It’s not a contest.

Not Asia. Disneyland the Magic Kingdom the original park...

Nope Stitch is the number one seller at Disneyland.. Apparently he is beloved by Asian tourists everywhere. Disneyworld has a character breakfast complete with Stitch Waffles...

My daughter watched it for the first time a couple weeks ago and when Stitch ran away in the rain at night, she turned to me all upset and ready to cry and asked if he was going to come back and why was he going away?

I’m oddly okay with this because I love Lilo & Stitch so much I’d love for a new generation to discover it. They’ll see them in the live action version and hopefully then watch the animated version which is much smarter and funnier than it had any right to be. I almost kinda love that it’s not higher in the Disney pant

Jesus! Yeah he did. Man, the 1995 memories are overwhelming me right now. Also...is it weird to say that he looks the same now as he did when he was 16? The dude doesn’t age.

Keenan is a good celebrity.