Nihongo Hanashimasen.

Hey slow your roll, I don’t want to throw out my shoulder from pumping my fist so hard.

Palestinian Mexican American. This is the America I know. When those morons start spouting off about America is white and blond/blue-eyed, all I can think is bish where are you from? And life must be boring as hell for you. And I’m glad I’m not from there, because I need more variety on where I am going to eat than

Take a look at FoxNews headline;

I’m not surprised that everyone is gushing over Henry Golding; He’s very handsome and I thought he was great in the movie. But...Constance Wu was the heart and soul of the movie and should be getting way more press for her wonderful performance. I’m going to see it again this weekend, mostly because I want to watch

Girl, it’s gonna be ALL Astrid ALL the time. It’s gonna be Astrid and Charlie Wu. No way they brought in Harry Shum Jr. looking soooo freaking hotcute for just a teeny cameo.

Get it girl!

I loved it!!! The wedding scene gave me chills! But PLEASE more of Astrid!!

Also make sure any real estate is required to be sold and the proceeds split. Homes get so messy because of all the memories attached. People feel entitled to keep them because that’s where their childhood bedroom is.

My wife and I had a will drawn up when our first kid was born, amended twice with arrival of two more. Especially if you have minor kids then the last thing you want is some court-approved trustee siphoning fees while determining which kid gets how much for what. It’s not expensive and takes very little time.

My grandfather and grandmother divorced, and he remarried, before I was born. When he died my step-grandmother’s kids all but rolled up in YouHauls. She had passed a few years before and already left quite a bit to them, but now it was feeding time. Fortunately he had a very clear will so the barbarians were repelled.

It’s one of the worst things you can do to your family, regardless of race.

In what strikes many as odd, soul singer Aretha Franklin died without a will.

I reallydon’t like this trend. We, as a whole, need to start getting our affairs in order. This is how money gets passed down, or in our cases fails to get passed down. And like the article says, the executors are making crazy money. (As a community...that’s probably not us.)

Damn Aretha, no will?

My grandparents had a will. Everything was very clear. My aunt (dad’s brother’s wife) was like “Thank God,” because her father had died a year prior and left no will, and her family was STILL fighting over shit. Y’all, make it easy on your people and get your documents in order. The last thing you want when people are

There really is no excuse to die with a large estate and not have a will. It could take a couple of years to get the estate valued so the heirs will have to wait and millions of dollars in fees from a courr appointed executer with no understanding of sentimental items that are to be devided along with the money.  

This is by far the worst thing you can do as a black person. I have seen families fight over the dishes, furniture, a lawn mower. Petty stuff. Get you a will and make it clear!!

It’s... enough of a nest egg that she didn’t feel the need to specify how it needed to be split out, and her kids are grown enough to do the right thing? That’s all I can think of, and the best I can hope for.

Good that MI estate law is sensible. It sounds like a fair distribution and I hope her son Clarence continues to get (gets?) the support he needs.

Yes. Along with a plutonium tipped umbrella, most probably.