Nihongo Hanashimasen.

Holy shit that 2 minute video made me burst into tears at my desk and I can’t understand why. the fierceness of them. The beauty the rhythm. The unity and the teamwork, the sisterhood of them. I need to see them if they ever tour near me.

There, I fixed the logo for them.

Unless they make him mortal.

Oh man - I want to be in a GH Watching Club with you.

Before fashion magazines used actors and singers to sell, they used actual models and the fact that Naomi Freaking Campbell has never had a September cover of UK Vogue is baffling.

This couple makes sense, age difference or no. They’re both super thirsty.

She prefers Kansas to This?:

I'll try a few...

Wish I’d known about this! It sounds like an amazing experience. Great to see Make the Road NY was one of the organizations that partnered with them. 

Cop saves Christmas on rooftop

Boxer saves America, Beats Communism

Mother fights Mother... with FIRE!

My Guatemalenness, my natural heat

Spaceship, Manhattan, Spaceship, Wakanda, Snap

You afraid of my Guatemalenness

“You do, Fosse Fosse Fosse!”

I just saw that - yay!! Also, is Kevin Ryan??

The ‘nado spins counterclockwise so fast & furious (ha) that it spins the Earth backwards, Superman-style. When the dust has settled, Jesus is riding a t-rex in the old west, battling Tara Reid, which pretty much matches up with my history books anyway.

duh, It’s about Time.