Mamarazzi... Haha, love it. Tina seems so fun.
Mamarazzi... Haha, love it. Tina seems so fun.
And I’m not saying that this kind of conduct shouldn’t be considered severe sexual harassment. I’m saying that the lawyer’s argument is fair under existing law.
Unpopular opinion alert: I like Bell and Shepard’s relationship. I guess I’ve never seen their commercials that everyone seems to hate, but I’ve enjoyed the stories they’ve told in interviews. Also, I really like Dax Shepard’s podcast.
I’d like a moment of silence for whatever the fuck these poor women are wearing. I remember the early 00's were messy... But...jeeze
“The games really are the thing. Iris doesn’t watch SportsCenter, and she doesn’t get a newspaper or own a computer.”
Redman’s house was the rare one that wasn’t a rental. That was his actual house in Staten Island where he lived when not on the road. That he 1) got such an aggressively regular house and 2) that he actually lived there was hilarious.
Holy fuck that was 18+ years ago. D’aww!!! They were babies! They did not know, they did NOT KNOW.
This is the gayest news ever. Every time this album is played a fairy will get it’s wings, and I’m LIVING for it.
I remember when our town got brand a new mega mall that had a Foot Locker, a Banana Republic, a Rich’s department store, which was later bought out by Macy’s, and a Cinnabon. We thought we were in heaven. I am one of the few people who loves food from the mall court. I live for a freshly baked cookie from Great…
i definitely remember waldenbooks, but then i’m an oldster who was an adult in the 80s.
The only version of Les Mis I’ll ever watch.
You’ll never beat mumbly mouth Russel Crowe as Javert, commiting suicide and making that god awful cracking noise on the way down. I screamed in the theater.
I know next to nothing about the Royal fam and have very little interest, but that does seem very sad. Perhaps he’s a bad dude and that why he’s being shunned? Dunno.
Add the game of thrones theme and you’be got the chill mix for ours. And later dance mix. She LOVED the parks and rec intro.
These are lovely photos! I especially love the one with Charlotte gazing up at her little brother and holding his hand. What a sweetheart!
I just spit my lemonade on the poor man next to me on the bus. Then I showed him your comment and he says it’s ok and he agrees with you. Let’s bring back beheaddings.