
Payday loans are just as shitty as Trump University AND they prey on the same types of folks.

Yeah I think I smell a tomato.

Remember, George W. Bush went to Yale . . .because his Daddy went to Yale. Not everyone in the Ivy League (or other colleges) got there becasue of their smarts.

Almost 50 year old black woman here. . . no soul selling needed you just need to be a black or asian woman.

Also the compatition was for a home bedroom product. While many kids do have game consoles in their bedrooms, it’s not even a function of a home bedroom. I want to see what those smart curtains are all about and am wondering if one of the other participants came up with a bed that makes itself or closet that sorts

He’s a liar, so I would not as I would not believe he would drop out after visiting my golden palace (LOL).

Better than having sex with a goat.


But it’s a good thing we have TWO pills that treat erectile dysfunction right?

I always thought people threw trash out the windows becasue they learned it was OK from their parents. Good for you for breaking the cycle.

EXACTLY! I wish they were as zealous in getting our money back from AIG.

My local NPR station told me today (with a chuckle) that Jeb! and Sarah Palin share a birthday.

Yeah those lazy mexicans stealing our jobs! :/

Do we really need another movie about dumb white guys doing dumb stuff?

He’s 5'8 but his OKCupid page profile says he’s 6'


I can’t take a vegan named Bacon seriously.

I have a plea to architects around the world you design the whole damn building let women design the bathrooms! I always notice the men’s room is the first one you encounter then the woman’s is around the corner or down the hall.

I still don’t understand why the chocolate and tampon companies haven’t teamed up yet. Oh right, all are run by men...

Do you wear glasses? I’ve used my glasses case to hold my periods products.