Applause gif.
Applause gif.
Holy Crap! Did NorthWest “design” that??
As in shitty? Because then I would agree.
and all the Black folks ran away when I visited the liquor store . . .
Srsly. Winter is the reason I moved to California from NY. I’ll never shovel snow again, ever.
. . .and shrill. Don’t forget shrill!
Oh I guess you missed this Jez story over the weekend. Any woman over 23 is old. Even 50 year old guys agree:…
Ugh. He is not even close to pretty! Not even cute. He has an air of Frankenstein about him.
I’m guessing that dress costs more than a phone charger? Buy your own woman!
It worked for him once in creative writing class freshman year. He’ll be using that poem to try and score for the rest of his life. On Linked in. Yilch!
Exactly. It’s just like catcalling. Dudes don’t see it as a problem because it never happens when they are around.
HOLY SHIT!!!!! (no pun intended, it’s not holy at all)
Watching this space for rando love poem!
Srsly. Conan looks like he and Larry could wear the same foundation.
Well according to the story the “lawyers” only offered 10K to the American citizen and a lot of them never got their payment.
Yes a thousand times. Every POC understands this. Seems to me he was trying to prove some stupid shitty affirmative action point by submitting a mediocre poem almost 50 times.
No not even close. I graduated 1985, solidly in Gen X