Peppermint Butler

Also is Franken “warm” to men too or just women? Because a lot of these “warm” folks, even the most well-meaning ones, seem to have a lot more respect for the personal space of men than they do women. They ought to be asking themselves why they think that’s okay.

I have the original vinyl and a CD from 25 years ago. It’s a guilty pleasure I imposed on my kids.

Is anyone else getting tired of hearing how “painful” this is for the accused men?

“There’s a special place in hell for people who prey on children.”

She could have done something, anything to be more diplomatic, though saying nothing would have been best. And one of her recent tweets was something along the lines of “Things women do like about; what they ate for lunch. Things women don’t lie about; rape.” She seems to have no self-awareness.

I don’t mind that she doesn’t believe it happenef, but a public show of support was an idiotic move. Let the investigation unfurl, support him as a friend during it. What does going public help? It makes it about you. Unless she has proof to bring to light, which she should do then.

I’m not surprised that Lena Dunham decided to defend a rapist. Lena is just an asshole. I’m glad Asia Argento called her out on the bullshit.

I think the point that Franken brings up in his extended apology is a good one, regardless of the fact that it doesn’t make these actions okay. We are in a new era of gender equality and awareness of the effects of our actions on other people, and that means that many men, especially older men, are thinking for the

Clinton was our poison pill. It was fucked up to ever defend his actions. We have to do better.

It is going to get worse before it gets better. In retrospect, progressives did themselves a great deal of harm in choosing to defend Bill Clinton in the 90s. People were still defending Anthony Weiner more than a decade after saying that there was really nothing altogether wrong with the president of the United

I like pumpkin spice. Woody Allen movies, not so much.

Guede’s DNA was everywhere. Knox’s DNA was completely absent. So no, she wasn’t involved.

Tell me about all those instances where the basic ass study abroad student invites a stranger into her apartment for a satanic sex murder party, because that’s Guede’s story she was convicted on , rather than his denied involvement. Let’s compare frequency. Yes, that’s the injustice of our time, white girls getting

Or - and you might want to sit down for this - Rudy Guede, who not only admitted to murdering Meredith, but whose DNA was found all over the apartment - ACTUALLY DID IT.

Wow, I am so grateful that Janis Paige lived long enough to tell her story. Thank the goddess for all the women who are speaking up now and gave her the impetus to do the same.

No. we do not kill people we disagree with in this country.

I want her — along with the rest of her conniving family — to die in federal prison.

Oh hell no! If this gets in before roller derby I will never watch another Olympics ever. And by derby, I mean WFTDA-style derby (1400+ leagues play under their rules) not FIRS (which has maybe 10 leagues worldwide).

SJP and I are the same age. There have been rumors about her diva behavior for as long as I can remember. As someone else commented, she hasn’t aged as well as Kim Cattrall or others. How she ended up on Divorce on HBO is beyond me. Sorry not sorry but at the very least, she’s an average actor.

It was an apparently incomprehensible joke.