Peppermint Butler

There are restrictions on your rights already. The Tea Party is controlled by lying douchebags. It's important not to fall for the con.

I don't know. It looks like an awful lot of typing to me.

Tell the truth -you just miss those good old Scott Baio lesbian shitass days and are trying to bait Connelley into being our Scott Baio for the Kinja era. Yes? Just a little?

No, that's a profoundly unfair trade. The request that men not rape is only equivalent to an actual threat of violence in your fucked-up head.

This is very vague. You'll forgive me if I take the absence of detail in your advocacy of worthy causes as proof that you really just want to silence this woman. I have to say I think the time you spent writing your comment would have been better spent in a food kitchen. We could all have analyzed this without your

Have you thought through the kind of society you are advocating with this attitude? Because it's pretty fucking bleak.

Choosing makes a difference. But whatever. This article doesn't actually say can't do as you please.

What a grotesque disablist comment.

Do Brad And Angie ever take the adopted kids out, or does nobody bother to take pictures when they do? Either way, it's messed up that we only ever hear about three of their six children.

More diversity, over time, will inevitably change the stories being told. Most of what we are presented with now is made by a small subset of people who are largely similar. Choosing from a larger pool means more stories and more perspectives. There is no down side to this project.

Though a few male writers found the hook-up totally implausible, the mutual attraction is both believable and instantly familiar.

Thank you, Jessica Chastain. I think one thing we could do to push back against the lazy journalists who create stories about catfighting is to name those journalists and, if necessary, stop supporting the publications that push these stories. This meme is not naturally occuring, and we don't have to pretend that

Black dresses against a black background. They're... beautiful?

Not just in Silverlake!

The funny thing is that lots of these guys acknowledge that women are visual too- hence all the derping about how 'you just have to be good looking if you don't want to be called creepy.' The funny thing is that when it's applied to men we're supposed to be accommodating and understanding. When a woman does it though,

Take a slightly longer route down a wider, better populated street? Demonstrate on her map and by pointing, or by drawing her a map? It turned out well though, so don't sweat it. It's nice to help tourists.

Is this satire?

The commenting system changed more than the commenters did.