odango atama

Man, it sure sounds like she has cancer or something. I’ve heard cancer patients say stuff like this a lot in their final days. All the old grudges drop away and all they can talk of is the regrets of wasted chances.

Seems like the old phrase, “It’s not them it’s you” applies here. No doubt blonde women tend to go farther in Hollywood than most black women, but her issues keep boiling to the surface. Not everyone is cut out for the cesspool that is Tinseltown.

I hope Herzog’s book takes into account the pain this nutjob caused the residents of Lubang.

Only tangentially related to this but I read this comment on the Guardian on an article about tasers written by a British police officer, whether it’s true or not is beside the point as it was hilarious.

Watching the trailer, all I could think was “but why?”

I’m sure this is well made because it’s Spielberg doing something he’s passionate about but I can’t imagine a less interesting project than a remake of West Side Story.  Hopefully whoever the target audience is enjoys it, but I’ll definitely pass.

I think a muffin is closer to a bread than a cupcake.

As a virus ravages humanity (ugh, c’mon, already?)

If you haven’t clicked through to the article, do it. The outside of the restaurant looks no more like In-n-out than a million other fast food places. Really feels like this suit is cause In-n-out thinks they bully a little guy.

Can we just call her an anti-choice Republican? Because that’s how she always shakes out. We don’t need to keep pretending.

God, what a piece of shit.

She got re-elected, that’s all she cared about.

I look forward to the new waves of fan-fiction this will inspire, which Rice will then sue the writers over.

I agree with the problem you raise, but I think sequels can be just as chock full of annoying references and callbacks as prequels. The new Star Wars trilogy certainly showed us that. And there’s no reason why a show can’t “come up with something new in this massive world” by looking backwards.

She asks a good question.

Reminds me of Patton Oswalt’s priceless takedown of prequels. “Hey, you like ice cream? Well here’s a bag of rock salt! You like Angelina Jolie? Here’s Jon Voight’s nutsack.”

Tom Waits is Renfield.

They’d better give him a lot of screen time or this is going to be one of those movies where the tone radically shifts whenever Nic Cage shows up and does his thing.