Jamychal Rapaport

It’s also the first time a 26-year-old named Bryce has ever been sober in the Wrigley bleachers

I sincerely believe this is one of the very worst plays in baseball history.


Straight up: I went to the front door of my son’s bully’s house and read his fat ass and his cross-eyed cousin true facts plus threatened to press charges. Yes they were only eight BUT they broke skin on my child and that could. not. stand.

My wife is rebinging Parks & Rec, and my ears perked up when the lawyer announced he’s from the law firm of Babip, Pecota, Vorp & Eckstein.

Let’s remember Morgan for his real contribution - An entire website and style of sports journalism criticism created to ridicule the stupid shit that he wrote and said.

Pelicans fan here. Everyone can kiss my ass he’s our hostage. 

You EXPECT something? Eat a bucket of fucks you shit eating dickhead!

I remain strident that I would have preferred to remain unaware that there are major plot points in the final two episodes of Game of Thrones. 

Scrolling down to the bottom of an article about a “fucking stupid” phenomenon you don’t watch to comment probably proves you don’t do much with your time anyways.

I have to say that, as a Deadspin reader and non GoT watcher, my favorite thing about this cultural phenomenon is how fucking stupid it seems and how, no matter what I’m doing, I feel like I must be spending my time better than if I were watching it.

I’m glad I didn’t tear up that trifecta ticket before the review.

If you are going to throw 88 and straight, you better not throw it there.

Now playing

This is the only Kuiper belt I am aware of-

Chastity Gooch-Fant vs. Rev. Pix Butt was a gut-wrenching decision. I acquiesced to my inner 9 year-old and voted for the good Reverend, but I fear his time may be up.

In all fairness, you throw that same meatball to my 70 year old mother and she’s at the very least standing up into second.

Damnit Lauren, I can’t believe you are holding out about the scene where Scott Lang goes up Thanos’s ass and then grows.

As both a human being and a Catholic I shared in the horror and heartbreak at the destruction caused by the fire, knowing great and long-standing works by people built to celebrate God and express their love for Him were being destroyed, and could never be replaced.

After all these years, an annoying white guy who won’t go away finally gets me to root for Duke.

Lighten up, Francois.