
This does not explain why the show devolved into torture porn last season. I had similar thoughts about Supernatural for a long time, but the show grew increasingly cringe-inducing until I just couldn't watch anymore.

Yes, but will it withstand my compulsive nail-biting?

Is anyone else disappointed that Diablo Bro isn't a real show?

Any suggestions for those of us with dry skin? I have an Alba Botanica deep sea facial mask, but it's a bit harsh for my (dry, sensitive) skin.

"I am a Christian, but I consider my heritage Jewish, because it is the foundation, the roots of my faith as a Christian."

You mean Portlandia isn't a guide for how I should live my life?

Go to a department store like Nordstrom or Macy's, find a makeup counter, and ask. The color that works for you depends on your skin tone, hair color, etc, and most counters will give you a free makeover that will involve WAY more makeup than you'd ever wear at once. That way you can see how different colors look on

Ha, I like watching Criminal Minds on the treadmill on the gym, and upping the pace whenever they chase a suspect or flee an explosion. It's like Derek Morgan is my running buddy! I wish.

1. I wasn't body-snarking, I was commenting on the homogeneity of the group performing here. They are, in fact, a bunch of skinny white girls. I was under the impression that commenting on homogeneity of this ilk was perfectly acceptable on Jezebel. They are advertising for the Greek system. We comment on advertising

Ah, a bunch of skinny white girls who somehow didn't realize that their stunning lack of pitch is why auto-tune was invented. Is this what I missed out on by choosing a college with no Greek system? Because I am totally okay with that.

I was super disappointed when I realized this article was mostly sarcasm, since if someone made earphones that really could "transform offensive street harassment into melodic accompaniments to the song you're listening to" I would buy the hell out of them.


It's actually an exciting new way to keep track of the stock market! Every day it goes up, you can raise your hemline one inch. If it goes down, you drop the hem an inch. This keeps the economy relevant to our poor little lady-brains.

Square 1: actually brought the UHaul to the first date. Square 2: doesn't shut up about how much she hates men. Square 3: talks shit about bi girls. Square 4: you realize halfway through the date that she's the crazy ex-girlfriend all your friends and exes used to date, because the lesbian scene really is just that

This is EXACTLY what I thought of when I saw the headline for this post! Thanks for posting the clip; it's doing wonders as a palate cleanser after reading the article — went from "creepy" to "triggering" in a way I was not expecting.

I love you, Zooey. Let's hang out and do cartwheels.

Does anyone know HOW to do Emma's eye make-up? I want to do that to my eyes. Possibly in purple.


My first cat was Clytemnestra. The name suited her. My roommate and I inadvertently (but effectively) trained her to go after certain portions of the male anatomy. Roommate's ex-boyfriend stopped dancing around our apartment in nothing but his boxers after that, so I considered it a win.

I keep telling my mom all these pregnancy horror stories, and the list of weird/unpleasant/annoying things people have had happen while pregnant, but she just keeps SMILING and insisting that being pregnant with me was super pleasant and delightful and she loved it SO MUCH.