
Oh, I didn't mean that it was incorrect! Mostly, I just find it awkward. Especially in that he used the plural instead of the singular.

Yes, and I was going to note that the suffix "-im" denotes a plural in other common religious words used in English-speaking Christianity, like seraph/seraphim and cherub/cherubim.

Look. Goy is derogatory. It is not the same as "Gentile" or "non-Jew." It's not always used as a pejorative, and it's usually meant more fondly than not, these days, but then, I also wouldn't go to a dinner party with my Hispanic friends and then talk about being the only "gringa" in the entire group.

Obviously he needs to spend MORE time with Jews — then he might know that "goyim" is plural, so no, in fact, he wasn't the only goyim in the entire group. /pedantic

Perhaps, as a young pop star, Bieber was looking to the lyrics of other pop artists to guide him, in which case I can understand why he answered with the equivalent of "I throw my hands up in the air sometimes."

Well, Diane is certainly wearing a very lovely shirt.

I've never liked Borders, but I would happily shop in any bookstore that had a wine bar.

Well, it's bigger than my current bedroom. *lives in a closet*

Anyone else in a long-distance relationship? There are only so many ways you can have a special evening over skype.

I am going to print this and hang it on my wall. And laminate it for the bathroom wall.

Do we know who the designer of the dress is? Or where to get a knockoff? I'm built a lot like her, just shorter, and I can NEVER find flattering dresses.

I thought the Sealy add (better with springs) was charming, even if all the couples were straight — my dad and I counted multiple interracial couples, and the punchline made us laugh.

@belarussiantsarina: This was my reading as well. I don't think the audience is supposed to hate Lauren, I think the audience is supposed to recognize that KATE sometimes hates Lauren.

Aw, I like the new Avril song! Also, while your experience may vary, that kind of abstract thought is a little advanced for a four-year-old. If she had actually tried on painful pink shoes, she might not have wanted them. My dad teaches pre-k and kindergarten, and he rarely sees kids that young who can really think

@mustard_ampersand: They were so cute! I would buy those for my tiny cousins, if they made a comeback.

@iamthelaw: Yes, but they'll be called "pogz" this time around.

@Kit Cloudkicker: I don't see the problem with papering your cubicle thus. But I think the real answer is to get a locker. Maybe one of those mini-lockers you can keep under your desk!

@pinkkittie27: This is it EXACTLY. I was supposed to shovel my parents' driveway after the last blizzard, since they were out of town, and by the time I dug out my car and made it to their neighborhood, the neighbors had already cleared the sidewalk.