
Apparently you don’t understand polling science.

She’s straight. Feminists types love to pretend their gay when they’re young. They find it trendy, like kale.

“Equal footing” was the comment you made and my reply was relevant to that.

“Personal responsibility may play a role..”

This is terrific news for all the fat feminists that pretend vouyerism and sexual objectification are unforgivable sins.

You’re right. I guess there’s no hope.

Well, it’s not discrimination, period. You know, like it’s not an apple pie.

i am against discrimination. White and blacks should be able to live and work and play together. One water fountain.

Nah, I’m firmly in the center. I still don’t agree with a lot of what the right says.

Yes I was, I’m happy, I’m laughing (not crying) and I’m staying right here.

None of which is baffling when you consider the disparity in social mores in these communities.

Precisely. Just like that. Cool comment, sister.

Yeah. It’s like the coolest form of self deprecation. I wonder if they understand just how much it sounds like they’re projecting. As if they know the depths an individual can sink to when mired in true racism. It’s as thought they’ve never heard the phrase “Speak for yourself”

Your typical progressive is a white, wealthy, college educated, professional and often a resident of a major coastal city like New York or San Francisco.

The subject the OC refered to was cultural appropriation, which is not restricted to, uh, “white” people.

Yeah. But that isn’t saying much since progressives believe everything is racist and everyone is racist.

Yeah, but it’s actually charming coming from the English.

Is that what progressives call hypocrisy?

That’s what I thought.

How funny!