
Indeed! It’s not racism when you do it! You hate racism, except the racism you participate in.

I came to Kinja/Gawker years ago because I agreed with its politics. The unapologetic display of progressive ideology regardless of facts has pushed me firmly to the center. Being a frequenter of Gawker literally changed my view of the left I thought once belonged to. And the arrogance! So smug about issues and

You’d be wrong.

Add your mom to the pile.

I don’t think you understand how irony works.

I’m Jesus Fucking Christ on a Surfboard.


Somebody has to push back against the racist. You’re not going to do it.

Weird. That’s not what you wrote, I can see what you wrote and you’re claiming otherwise.

Terrific. I too have an undocumented and randomly applied disease in which I become rapidly and acutely traumatized in the presence of individuals that possess no sense of humor and an unwarranted sense of entitlement. Unfortunately my needs must be met, and will be, even if I have to escalate my grievance to the CEO.

You’ll have to snag one from the bonfire that’s roaring in the alley behind Deadspin’s office.

An all-male basketball team of players people want to actually watch play.

Ascribing a single behavior to only one race IS racism.

Yeah. Those probabilities are not wait people think.

I’ve seen all your replies, and they’re all condescending of women in general. Women don’t require special treatment and protection from rape jokes. Ask Amy Schumer if you're still confused

Still seems odd. We’re not talking about some policy violation. We’re taking about rape. It’s difficult to square the claims that a violent crime occurred with the reluctance to file official criminal charges.

He clearly hates women.

But she’s an entitled woman who demands men fix her problems when she feels threatened.

That's ableist. I'm reporting you to Tim Cook

Mind if I ask why her experience with PTSD is anyone else's problem?