
Faster, Gabfest! Gab! Gab!


I’ve never seen Bannon look good anywhere

“That’s why conservatives seem to look so much better on Fox News.”

I had never heard of this guy until this essay, but I have since rectified that by reading a bunch of stuff by and about him.

Bless you, Katie Rife. This is what we needed after that jagoff’s essay.

This asshole got banned from a Logan Square bar for being too creepy. If you’re so disgusting towards women that you get banned from at least one, possibly more, shitty hipster bar in Logan then get the fuck out of Chicago forever. There are stories after stories after stories, with proof, on Facebook and Twitter

Now playing

It really isn’t that complicated. It reminds me of Mike Doughty’s little rap about New York:

As a current resident of Chicago and a former resident of NYC, I will say that NYC has a special level of not giving a shit about you that is both incredibly liberating and terrifyingly depressing. If this guy feels like Chicago didn’t love him, he’s only going deeper into the circles of Hell moving to NYC.

“It’s the liberal beacon of the Midwest” he says.

For you, Eric, from a native Chicagoan: Fuck. You.

My fellow Chicagoans are having a time ripping into him on Facebook. The puns, the jokes, the burns, they’re all the best. Unlike this clod.

What the hell has gone wrong with Dave Barry??

Katie, This is a great piece overall.

Man Bad at Biking and Dating, Decides It’s the City’s Fault

If NYC doesn’t get you Eric, Boston is preemptively saying “keep movin’, chief.”

I’m just happy he’s not coming back to San Francisco. Let’s hope that after he fails out of living in New York, he relocates somewhere in the mid-Atlantic.

Great article Katie, thanks so much for calling out this asshole.

I hope this dude gets chased out of city after city until he’s reduced to fleeing a Carpathian village after telling an ornery goose he doesn’t want to have sex with it.