No worries, ‘90s nostalgia will be kicking off any time now.
No worries, ‘90s nostalgia will be kicking off any time now.
And the only website integration is with the coupon clipper. Want to make a list on a machine with a real keyboard? Forget it.
And that’s the kind of person the salt and pepper shakers are for, because they’ll also complain the most if it’s not there.
“Jude Law and Mads Mikkelson are exes waging a clandestine magical war to work out the baggage of their relationship,” and yet somehow, no one actually seems to give a shit?
There’s a subtle difference between “our choices make us who we are” and “our choices show who we are”. The latter can imply that “who we are” is set in stone, the first means we can grow and change. Guess which one JKR applied to Harry and every other kid whose future we knew as soon as that hat landed on their head.
“The brain gets the message, quickly releasing endorphins to mute the pain.”
Spider Robinson’s reaction to seeing a diagram of the rotating blade assembly of a zero G toilet: “Near as I can figure, the shit is supposed to hit the fan!”
OK, and how do you sort laundry that way?
Those of us who saw his videos on MTV (yes, the M stands for Music) and thought “that kid is going somewhere”.
“There is a well-documented history of frying pizza over there”
Hang out on reddit AITA for a while. Just this last week there were at least two so-called “friends” who ordered really expensive stuff because they expected their friends to split the check evenly or even pay for it all.
Instead you’re waiting in line while someone gets stuck in the “place item in baggage area”/”unexpected item in baggage area” loop.
Pretty sure mine took that long when it was new. Google says that’s in the typical range.
A very light coating of an oil-based condiment is useful as a vapor barrier to keep your bread from getting soggy. But if there’s enough that you can tell which one it is, you have too much.
Mayo in a backyard cookout is not “beautiful” because nobody puts the lid back on so it gets that dried out yellow film, and that’s when it’s not left sitting long enough that you’re risking food poisoning.
I don’t know if it’s regional or not, but it seemed like people in the South think hot dogs are for the kids, and burgers for the adults. Especially at cookouts where I’d much rather have a hot dog because they’d always buy cheap burgers and burn them.
They’re great for places that just barely fit into the “fast” part of fast food: there’s a Rubio’s in the same shopping center of my grocery store. If I order just before I hit the grocery checkout, it’ll probably be done just as I walk into their store.
And what about the cow?
[70's] KFC’s gravy “ain’t fit for my dogs.”
and it definitely applies here.