Searches like that are what incognito/private browser windows were made for.
Searches like that are what incognito/private browser windows were made for.
What are the stats for the British version? On that one, the show picked ones that were struggling but seemed to be worth saving, while on the American one there were plenty of times I was hoping for it to fail so the hard working employees could move on and the owners could suffer they way they deserved.
When I was in college I did not know that I had liability only on my 10 year old car, because there was no Internet to look anything up, and I assumed that insurance covered your own car, because why wouldn’t it?
It shouldn’t be dry, it should be a bit like marshmallows.
Their chicken was great. The fish was a tasteless mess that fell apart.
“recent years”? First I’d ever heard of him was when he stole the mike and spotlight from a teenaged Taylor Swift.
My Home Depot does have the fixed scanner, and it scans without going on about “have you scanned your club card?” or “unexpected item in the bagging area/please place your item in the bagging area”.
I still drive my Miata, even though it keeps feeling smaller and smaller next to a pickup, and some of them have no clue I’m even there.
And given how caught up he can get in the setting up, that’s even more discouraging. Or would be, if I hadn’t been ahead of the curve and thought the *first* book took too many detours.
I do it myself, with the Cook’s Illustrated recipe that uses pink curing salt, for my Sunday dinner friends. It takes two weeks and it is *so* much better than store bought. My goal was to have so much there’d be leftovers. Alas, I achieved that goal in March 2020, which was also the last time we did a group dinner.
Long John Silver’s chicken is far better than its fish.
And my pop culture Denny’s association is “Deals dope out of Denny’s, keeps a table in the back.”
Do they have the recruiting party where all the employees were urged to invite all the female techies they knew so it wouldn’t look like a total sausage party?
Doctors, and they’ve got a big head start on tech.
I grew up in the south, where “room temperature” is not going to reach the “standard” of ~70F without an immense A/C bill. When we went to visit our northern relatives when I was 6 or so and I saw butter left out on the counter, I thought for sure we were going to get food poisoning.
You only get three wolves if you also have a moon.
It all started going downhill when they went to 1 olive for every 2 inches of sandwich. If olives hurt their margin that much, just drop them. Don’t tease us, and don’t make it so very obvious how much of a cheapskate they are.
OK, so the way Cohen is not Co-hen.
“Begging the question” is a confusing translation.
The ambulance chaser was basing it on silver dust causing problems for silver miners, but then inhaling any kind of dust over a long period of time is going to cause problems.