
I only get notices for replies, so you might see this. Then I get there and see that I got stars, too.

Less, actually, because NFT scammers have scraped DeviantArt and other places to grab art without bothering to go through the actual artists.

Silver, and they’re outlawed in California.

They add a nice crunch to Mother’s Circus Cookies.

Much to my surprise (having first used a microwave somewhere around 1977), frozen dinners now come in metal trays with a note on the side that microwave ovens built after 1980 can handle it.

Way back when they were new, when frozen food was still called “TV dinners” and came on aluminum trays, the joke was they were “$500 potato cookers”.

I was wondering how well they dealt with extra-high speed bumps.

The ones that turn a few dollars worth of gold leaf into a $1000 steak.

Apparently it still exists although I couldn’t find any reliable numbers on it.

Gas ovens used to be the default. Ever heard the phrase “stuck his head in the oven”, or watched an old cartoon where someone tossed a match in the oven and it went boom? Those were gas. That’s also a big reason why they went out of style.

Yeah. I’ve been cooking on them all my life and still could not tell you how “medium” in a recipe maps to what my stove is doing. And forget any recipe that says “reduce heat” - by the time it actually does so, your food is ruined.

Just as exclusive as that album that can only be found on Tidal? Oh wait.

“Purposeful Ingredients”. Saw it on a box, and even after googling I have no clue what they’re getting at.

That never got the “it’s bad/no it’s good!” treatment for some reason ;)

Yeah, I spotted the trend back when I was a teenager and eggs went from totally evil to the new wonder food (yes, the 70s), and just decided to ignore it all and eat what I liked.

And Mexican Coke does taste better than American Coke.

Tang was meh, but those chewy “space food” snack sticks were awesome.

Mom has the magic touch of knowing when to flip the pancakes; I never get it right. But somehow that magic doesn’t translate to knowing when a waffle is done. Meanwhile I make awesome waffles. 

After all the build up for the film they showed us in 1980, with content warnings and permission to leave the classroom if it was too intense, what we got was long-distance shots of crashed cars that were so blurry you could barely tell that there was a driver lying there.

Also, if something claims to be a good way to move money around and the adult entertainment industry has noped out, there’s a good reason.