Wrong way. The horse keeps hitting humans.
Wrong way. The horse keeps hitting humans.
I didn’t negotiate on my last new car purchase. I hate doing it and would rather just pay more to avoid it. Not a problem. (I didn’t pay MSRP though. It’s easy enough to get the Costco price or the True Car price with zero negotiation.)
And you know what? I’d still be willing to pay EVEN MORE to not have to go through…
I haven’t test driven a car before I buy it in many many years.
Those with kids are cross shop some odd segments. I am cross shoping the Fusion SHO and the Mustang EB.
(I was going to go with “the last thing Bill Cosby’s dates see before they pass out?”,but I’m trying to keep Jalopnik classy and all...)
Agreed. I have virtually no common interests with my wife, but we have everything in common. Which kinda sounds like a riddle...
Its essentially a chevy SS, but because its from europe, and less reliable its suddenly worth 70k???
Huh, didn’t know they offered the SS trim on the 81 Vette.
Dimoxonil or nothing.
Rogaine doesn’t do jack for a lot of guys (myself included). Don’t put it in an otherwise solid list of recommendations.
Going to a track, Raphael being Raphael, he’ll sleep in the McLaren and track the RV
I can’t be the only person that prefers cloth seats over leather. I live in a hot environment and always sweat like crazy on leather seats.
HST would recommend swearing off wives and giving the booze a hug.
You cynical fucks can go fuck yourselves, 60 points on 50 shots is literally the perfect ending to Kobe’s career.
Did you not see the Duck Dynasty shill before this race praying for a “Jesus man” to win the White House? How hard a right turn do you want?
Not bad, how about Jeremy Clarkson’s Punch Out?