
Seriously though, kudos to Tavarish for not re-typing a press release. Thanks for being critical of something. Though maybe Jeep footing the bill for your airfare might have changed that.

Yeah, your look says “random TSA screening”.

Cyclists don’t have the same rules, at least not in California.

I give them credit for using the cars—as if keeping them in heated garages under covers and only taking them out for short cruises on sunny weekends is so “manly”.

Cost. Taxi services (and uber) still require paying wages to a worker to do the driving. Buses decrease the cost of the wages per passenger dramatically, but comes at the expense of individualized pick up and drop off points. IF self-driving cars can offer the same flexibility as cars, with significantly lower prices,

200 Lbs doesn’t seem like a huge weight penalty. I mean if every Miata came with a Victoria’s Secret model in the passenger seat are people going to complain about the 130 lbs weight penalty for the added beauty?

To be fair, he did a wicked job on that. Definitely a step up from the normal replica cars you see. Still would rather have an M3 or something for that price though.

I’ll take the Crew Cab, oh wait, already have it.

In 1997ish I’m driving to work at ~0200 (call center life yo) in a white 91 Prelude when a white C3 Vette blows past me somewhere in the triple digits and ducks off a left exit. Didn’t think much on it. A couple minutes later the highway patrol screams up on my rear all lit up. Pull over wondering WTF is going on.

Well done, Sir!

Maybe I am in the minority here, but I wish Mazda would just build a damn fixed-roof Miata. I would love for a little hatchback, or in imagination land, a shooting-brake.. But I would settle for a new version of this:

The world economy is going to collapse next month.

Agreed. FCA has always had the forbidden fruit stigma. Very nice designs - but its probably poison. And on that note - I really want a Charger Hellcat. That Dodge Bros. commercial when they “make the donuts” gets me everytime.

I think the EB110 is one of the ugliest super cars ever made. I just can’t figure out why everyone goes on about these like they are the most beautiful things on earth. They look like the kind of car that one guy who used to work for a big car company made in his garage out of parts and some fiberglass.

clicked on article just to complain about the click bait headline. i was wrong

So in heavy gridlock, surrounded by a full school bus and a propane truck, police decided to open fire? On suspects that were running away (as opposed to attacking) and (based on there being no mention of a weapon) unarmed?

In a few years? That interior already looks like absolute gahbage.

Better looking than Chiron.

I was 100% on board with Jason until I read this. Well done, sir. I can now see both sides of the coin, and they are equally shiny.

I command you to now get vanity plates for it that say THESEUS. The only original part will be the little VIN plate on the firewall.
