There’s a reason you have to pay a toll to leave Jersey.
There’s a reason you have to pay a toll to leave Jersey.
So you believe in the death penalty for stealing $2? This isn’t the wild west, if someone steals from you then you can report them. The store owner knew who he was, he could have made a call and the police would have been waiting for him at his house.
The car stopped instead of running into the barrier. Was that the driver or the car?
What size sample are you basing that on? Or is it just anecdotal?
If I know anything about American car manufacturers, they will take a concept that everyone loves and turn it completely generic looking by the time it hits the streets.
I always interpreted that scene as the ‘kick-off’ of their killing spree, they had already made up their minds about what they were going to do.
I can do you one better. I saw a BMW a day ago using its turn signal, but it was blinking fast, indicating that the driver used them often enough to burn out one of the bulbs.
With the same sport seats as a 944. Crazy stuff.
I can’t remember anymore, I’ll have to do a VIN lookup. It’s been a great car, way more space in the back than most other compact crossovers.
Neutral: My wife and I have put 105k miles on an ex-rental Kia Rondo without any issues. I think the type of car makes a fair difference, nobody is renting a Rondo with the intention to hoon.
In 4wd mode, all the wheels are connected together, so if you lock the brakes on the front wheels, the drivetrain ends up locking the rear wheels too.
My wife and I have put 100k miles on an ex-rental Kia Rondo, at ~140k miles now. Only problems have been a worn a/c pulley bearing and worn sway bar links. Each issue was fixed for <$100.
It’s not the regulations themselves, it’s the enforcement. Most of the environmental regulations allow the car companies to self-certify themselves, there is little independent testing by the government. It has been like this long enough that the companies started skirting the laws, then apparently just threw them…
Go ahead and stop by. I wish people would stop and talk cars with me more often when I’m out working on mine.
Pedestrian crash standards, for one. The original reason for them was that US cars were required to use standard-sized sealed-beam lamps for years, and the only way to get a sleek look on a car using those monstrosities was to hide them.
To be fair, the 968 had the some pop-ups as the 928. And the 944 pop-ups are at least reliable, which can’t be said for pretty much any other car.
The rear quarters and roof tell you what color the base car is. You just need to get all the other panels to match. They literally built these cars by starting with single color cars and swapping panels between them.
As far as GOP initiatives go, if it is just a waste of money and doesn’t really affect anyone, that’s downright progressive of them.
A poser. Only looks fast.
That wouldn’t fit his narrative.