

I have driven manuals sooo long I don’t even notice the effort of driving one in traffic.

Well while its still out of my price range, I think that’s a reasonable price and will probably sell pretty well.

To be fair, there were Arabic numberals on the clock....

He then popped up and said “Must be something...i8!” as a large curtain dropped behind him, unveiling the latest concept of BMW’s groundbreaking hybrid-composite sports car of the future.

Due to a slightly ridiculous injury on my 30th birthday I’ve decided that my thirties birthdays are each going to involve doing something absurd and slightly dangerous on the actual day. When I realized that I was grinning while watching the video I knew that this is going to be one of those absurd and slightly

I get the Critical Mass thing to raise awareness, I thought the thing was to usually take over a lane of vehicle travel to raise attention, not to go willy nilly riding headlong into oncoming traffic. That’s just Critical Ass(hole).

Critical Massholes.

Are you serious? Do you even have to ask? Half the guys on this site would sell their mother into the sex trade to own a 2CV in drivable condition. This thing is damned near cherry. As for me... I’m voting NP not because I want this car, but because I don’t want to be cast down into a pit and stoned by this village of

Not sure if sarcasm, but if it is, that guide actually isn't a bad one. The other piece of advice should be that when it comes to tree vs. car, the tree always wins. Stand behind a tree.

Damn! A 300ZX Twin Turbo! I´ll get one of those and do the exact thing you he did with the Mitsu, this article is pushing me further into it... I´m already 40 and i believe i deserve a pristine white 300 with some 400hp under the hood... the minute I see the right one I´m buying it and screw finantial advice, need a

I would like to see the tow rating. That would be pretty cool to tow around stuff with. Also, I wonder if you can put it in water while backing up a boat or something on the ramp. Since the batteries are, well under the car.

Getting that tattooed on my BF’s penis, brb.

The Z8 is the most Bond-looking car ever. I’ll grant the DB5 is more iconicly Bond, but the Z8 just fits the character so well for some reason. Shame he barely drove it.

No, no, no, no, no, please keep them away. Please. They made no sense at all; why would you want a truck, the primary purpose of which is to haul things, to be less capable of hauling things in the name of retro styling? Seriously; this is a trend that needs to be left in the past decade.

My 3 year old does something similar. I can have locked eye contact, tell her “No ma’am.” Does it anyway without breaking eye contact.

They talked about the “Terrible twos” blah blah.

Screw that.

Three year olds are conscientious objectors.

i’m happy to report the following timeline:

Clearly, you know nothing about the science behind actual time travel. 88 MPH is a very important figure in flux-capacitor based time travel, as it is the lowest factor of C allowing for a 1.21 GW temporal-capacitive reaction. Time travel could certainly be achieved at a lower factor of C, but it carries an