
Hellcat Challenger for the old school muscle car title!

Porsche 928 because you are a connoisseur of vintage automobiles

As an Eagle scout, the following knots have been drilled into my brain: bowline, two half hitches, tautline hitch, sheet bend, square knot, sheepshank(utterly worthless knot), timber hitch, figure eight, surgeon's knot, clove hitch, and the square lashing. I don't think I'll ever have to use any other knot than those,

Now playing

Dedicated to Steve and his saintly clients:

I'd add a caveat to the tool thing. Nice tools are, well... nice, that is for sure, but when you need certain tools only very rarely, I feel that it is totally OK to cheap out sometimes. I once read on a Miata forum, in regards to cheap tools, specifically Harbor Freight and the like, a great way to look at it is you

Sweet! The New Beetle PowerWheels are in!

You can't build a snowman with your kid or go sledding. I like having all 4 seasons. It can certainly be more difficult, but snow can be fun.

I like it too. Extra credit for a net weight loss despite the addition of stuff.

Knowing Congress, though, they probably would insist on not letting Ford get away with their maneuvers around the chicken tax anymore, though, and insist on Ford paying the tax, which means the USPS pays the tax.... because Congress seemingly can't stop screwing up the USPS on purpose..

Though with enough demand, they

I sometimes have issues telling the difference between a 360 and a 430 (please no one throw stones at me).

Raphael: Look at this m4 owner being an asshat.

I started learning on my own. First my dad asked me to help him make a website (you're on the computer all day anyway, can you do something useful), then he needed some help with a spreadsheet which was highly repetitive, but just Excel macro's weren't enough, so I started looking into VB for that.

I mostly read 1-2


Love the concept, hate the execution. Can't weld straight and hardware looks like better suited to barn doors.

Not when you're trying to save money by doing maintenance yourself. Drum brakes are a fucking nightmare.

You know, I used to think the same way. Then you start to realize, a lot of people really do need that capability, if infrequently. I find myself needing to tow a car 400+ miles round trip every few months, sometimes over 1000. I have many friends in similar situations, whether with cars, boats, campers, whatever.