
It lets you look around. Essentially like having a spherical monitor around you. Perfect for racing games.

Why is that? I don’t remember any terribly negative posts recently...

You just described the internet.

Sweet hot-air intake. Is there a worse place to put an intake than that? Maybe next to the exhaust headers since the filter would catch on fire?

I think the missing piece is that you have to put the car in neutral and cut the engine while coasting to get the benefit. It is pretty easy to prove with math that maintaining the same speed uses the least energy.

Newer cars have better fuel injection systems that can detect low octane gas and retard timing so that lower grade gas will still work. It will cost you in power and fuel economy, but shouldn’t necessarily be bad for the engine.

Eh, the media editorializes the facts to influence your interpretation, but I wouldn’t say they outright lie in the face of evidence.

Baltimore is not wealthy, but is surrounded by very well-off counties. MD is a bit of an outlier since the wealthy counties are still largely liberal.

Only if you are on the throttle, which you probably shouldn’t be on the road. On a track, absolutely it is fantastic, but not for practical on-road driving in treacherous conditions.

Unless you understand it, no. AWD lets you accelerate faster in slippery conditions, it does almost nothing to help with stopping or turning, so you are just better able to get into trouble.

I’ve thought about this too, and I decided that weight counts for handling as well as acceleration, so it should be considered twice. LB^2/HP is the metric we want, lower is better.

You’re thinking of the 996 Turbo

But matter-antimatter reactions do!

Supercharged AND turbocharged. Even if it is fairly reliable, maintenance is going to require crazy high shop hours. But who are we kidding, it won’t be very reliable.

Seriously. Innovation requires intelligence, and intelligence is a four letter word now.

I think you are wrong about the price being due to the new model. This was a hero car for kids born in the late-70's to 80's, and those kids now have the money to buy their old dreams. The NSX is the pinnacle of the 90's Japanese sports car scene, and the demographic that loves them is reaching their prime earning

I’ve never seen it from this angle before. It is glorious.

The US and UK generally have near-identical numerical prices, then swap the pound and dollar symbols. Even $43k would be on the high end I think.

I need to rebuild the bottom end of the motor in the 944 Turbo S I bought last summer. It needed the work when I bought it, and I haven’t touched the thing since August. I finally got started tearing it down yesterday.

They’ll still have to retool the Mexico plant since they aren’t building a new one.