
If I remember correctly from the Chris Harris video the motors aren't in-hub, they are mounted on the chassis so there is a drive shaft connecting them to the wheels.

They have an actually iPod connector as the interface, so it is at least appropriate. Those connectors have already been outdated by the Lightening connector.

There was a regulation that required that car headlights be one of just a few standard sizes of sealed beams. Since they were all large and ugly, pop-ups were a way to hide them when they weren't necessary. Once custom shaped projector beams were allowed the pop-ups went away.

Neutral: Using the price tracker at truecar.com, Focus ST is down $1300 in just the last couple weeks. $21,404 is just about too good to resist... Now if I can just get my wife to agree to drive my truck or drive a manual everyday I'm good to go.

The answer is no.

We all have this entitled attitude about driving regardless of what is happening around us. As drivers we should be aware enough of the conditions to know what is a safe speed. If that speed is obnoxiously slow, then we probably should be responsible enough to just not drive. I do it too, but if I end up on the side

Weight is the big factor for tire and suspension wear.

Why is it ridiculous to expect people to drive slowly when conditions are favorable for ice? If you spin off the road, your were going too fast for conditions, period.

A neighbor of mine has a Kizashi wagon. Now that's a unicorn. Very nice looking car, too.

When I was a kid my sister and I would take turns sledding around the neighborhood behind my dad's station wagon. He would drive, one of us would sit in the back with the tailgate open as a spotter and the other would sit in the toboggan holding the ski rope. Conditions were rarely suitable since plowing and salt

Not even a mention of the ATS? I'd be curious how it compares.

This is an obvious play for him to get a reality show. In honor of his last name, I'm offering 4 to 3 odds that he gets the show. I also entertain 10 to 1 prop bets on what network the show airs on.

I think they are just writing off federalization as essentially a marketing expense. I have no idea if it will work out for them, but it's not a bad way to improve your image if you already have the vehicle.

Very disorienting to watch the Seinfeld shtick from different camera angles. You don't realize how distinctive cinematography is until it changes.

It doesn't need to be a hit. They already have the car in their stable, why not bring it over here and try to promote their brand a little? I don't think they have any delusions of great sales, it is just their flagship that is already paying for itself back home.

Why are you cleaning your flame suit with dish soap? Did you mean don?

Taxes are state by state, so you can add anywhere from 0-9% onto those prices. My understanding is that prices in the UK include taxes, yes?

They may not have the exhaust connected.

I might be wrong, but I think the XLR has the distinction of being the only car to ever share the Corvette platform.

This is more along the lines of an X1.