
My dad had one when I was in middle/high school, then my sister got it when she went to college. Fun little car with T-tops.

It had to be Maryland...

Works both ways depending on what site you are on. It is annoying though. Anytime I want to blame someone it takes a bunch of research to see who really did it.

I don't think you understand what 'fair market value' means. If there are people willing to take your place for the same pay, then the pay is in line with the market.

Keep in mind that this is a rebadged version of the homologation special, so it doesn't even have any NASCAR relevance.

If it was only a mile, why not just walk?

It seems like we have to read this same story about Austin three times each winter. Sounds to me like people aren't adapting, not that it is so rare they don't get a chance to adapt.

You're right. You'll never want another Porsche after the IMS bearing goes.

The only thing being illuminated for me is how few people actually know what a stock option is and how it works.

I'm not worried, but giving this to the LT1 would be like giving Obama the Nobel Peace Prize before he even did anything. Oh wait...

Porsche 928 beat it to the look by about 20 years.

So far, so good, but I think its a bit early to nominate it. Let's make sure it's reliable first.

I'm very happy with the 4.0L VQ in my Frontier. That engine is the V6 option in everything Nissan sells (except GTR).

Its almost cliche to say LS, but it is really hard to argue. Chevy V8's have been a gold standard for a long time, and the LS continues that tradition with gusto.

I think it debuted at 3.2. It has gotten quicker with better rubber and more power.

Those transmissions were pretty bad. Be careful.

I like it, but it isn't even assembled. No way would I pay several grand for a pile of parts, with no way of knowing how many 'little things' are missing from the pile. That shit adds up quick.

Sounds like a new class for Dakar to me.

I'm glad you have a 997 so you don't have to worry about that IMS bearing going on one of those beautifully engineered 996's.

My research? You made the claim, you back it up. I have 15 years of total ownership of Korean cars, and have been quite pleased. The used to be crap, but that was a long time ago. I assume you also still have a rotary phone at home.