
I definitely managed to talk on the phone and hold a drink while shifting in my younger, dumbass-ier days.

No, he's right. If you want to safely increase the flow of traffic, you have to add lanes or reduce following distances (raising speed limits doesn't work since the safe following distance also increases). A human being paying attention to the road takes .5 seconds to react, plus the time it takes them to move,

To get into the trunk. Remember, the top has to lift up in order to get anything in or out of the trunk.

Don't rule it out. There has been documented evidence of carmakers making things expensive to fix as a concession to their dealers in the past, no reason to think it has stopped.

I didn't think they got much love anywhere. That would be reasonable for a very nice 924S, but not even a 924 turbo could fetch that here.

You saying it isn't evidence. Everybody knows that steel997 has sex with animals. See, I can do it too!

Yes, that isn't an argument. That is a stereotype.

Wow, I don't know what your budget is but in the mid-atlantic I don't think you could spend more than $2k on a base model 924 if you wanted to.

I've never thought about it that way, but you're right. If it had been sold as a VW like it was originally intended, it would've been immensely popular, and probably still have a cult following. Instead it was a disappointing Porsche. The 944 I see more like the original Boxster, not bad, just the entry-level Porsche.

It would be based off the Genesis coupe, not the sedan.

They need to close its mouth a bit. Even more obvious in different colors.

What makes you think it's more cheaply made than any other car?

I just saw a 70 year old man driving a bug-eye WRX wagon in my church parking lot the other day. I told my wife that I will be buying that car if he ever sells it.

Damn I like that 300ZX 2+2. If only there was room to work on the engine.

Crash testing necessitates a lot of added weight for body structures, air bags, etc. A street legal car would always be a compromise from a true track car.

I especially like the blood spatter on the side window.

Beating estimates by 15% is always a big deal, even for low volume manufacturers.

I suspect if the plastic is soft it wouldn't make much difference.

I'm so tired of this. Pretty much every new car that comes out has similar design cues to all of its competitors. If Mercedes does it, its because that is just a current trend for luxury cars. If a Korean automaker does it, they're ripping someone off. People need to get with the times, Hyundai/Kia make some very

Depends on where you live.