
I don't know about the UK, but in the US, there is a limited benefit to learning other languages. Europe has many languages in close proximity, so being poly-lingual has real benefits. In America, someone would have to have a specific goal in mind to choose what other language to learn. Spanish if you live in the

Why is it dumbing down? Lots of words are pronounced differently in different languages.

Different cultures use different vowel and consonant sounds that we are taught to say as children. These can be very difficult to pick up as an adult. The French rolling R and the Italian 'cia' sounds are examples of sounds not used in English, so they are difficult for us to produce.

This is true in Korea, but Hyundai chose to market their brand in America with the pronunciation sounding like 'sunday'. This is unlike Porsche, which has always used the 'porsh-uh' pronunciation in commercials, they just haven't aired enough of them to get people to say it right.

I kind of disagree on this one. There is no accent on it in American English. The word has been fully adopted by our language with the pronunciation of 'koop', just like many German and Latin words have been adapted into English.

Old women certainly seem to be the key to eliciting an emotional response from Russians. Fireball flies over the highway? No comment. Grandma tries to cross the street? Lengthy angry tirade.

I have no idea what this means, just an observation.

It is slipperier when there is melting and refreezing going on. Snow is not too terribly slippery, slush and ice are.

Only gets that cold once every ten years in the mid-atlantic, I'll figure something else out next time.

I actually put it between the coolant reservoir and the engine block. With the hood closed the heat builds up under there pretty well.

I turned on a worklight with a 60W bulb and stuck it under the hood. Seemed to work okay. For anyone saying block heater, most of the country doesn't experience weather like this often enough to justify block heaters.

Can't wait for the Golf R / Focus ST comparison tests. It's a great time to be a car-enthusiast with a family right now.

I don't suggest returning to Annapolis. You'll be tarred and feathered if you repeat that there. I agree on the soft-shells though. All the goodness but easier to eat.

I have no idea why you posted this pic, but Maryland blue crabs FTW.

I'll go with the Honda Civic. The early ones were tiny rust heaps. I don't know that the current Civic is the pinnacle of the nameplate, but there was certainly massive improvement over the decades.

Because if they had a good photo they wouldn't come to Jalopnik for help.

A Dodge Shadow was my second car. It blew a head gasket at 78k miles and was a turd to begin with. There is no love lost between me and K cars. They should all park next to Ferraris, just in case they haven't already caught on fire.

"It is my favourite K-car"

Never have I heard such damning praise. That's like looking in the toilet after taking a dump and choosing your favorite turd.

I don't know about saving 20k, but I would take a Z51 mag-ride at the same price for sure.

Neutral - I have used truecar.com to buy a new car and now recommend it to everyone. I got a great price and there was zero haggling at the dealership. Just show up, go for a test drive, show them the printout and do the paperwork.