
Dat throttle response

My Nissan Frontier crew cab does this at any speed above 30, regardless of how much I raise or lower the windows. If there is any number of windows open any amount, I get massive buffeting that I just can't tune out. Has anyone out there found the magic window arrangement where this doesn't happen on a late model crew

My Nissan Frontier crew cab does this at any speed above 30, regardless of how much I raise or lower the windows. If there is any number of windows open any amount, I get massive buffeting that I just can't tune out. Has anyone out there found the magic window arrangement where this doesn't happen on a late model crew

How many more do you need?

I didn't notice, and that is really interesting. I never thought that would ever happen in a well-sorted sports car.

And all he'll do is talk about the Porsche the whole time.

Does not look like a small car to me. You can see reflections from the front and back of the roof in this still, and that is a really long cabin, very short decklid and long hood. Maybe late 80s Cougar or Thunderbird?

Cops have been letting motorcycles get away with it for a long time because they know they can't catch them, they're just enforcing again to reel the bad apples back in.

Define best. I wouldn't buy one because of the car's weight. If they built a 3000 pound car and offered a range of engines, I probably would go for the turbo 4 since revs are fun and they can often put out way more power with just a chip. With a 4000 pound car, a big torque monster is the only viable option for good

Because RWD

So you are defending Rob but skewering Chris. Which side are you on again? Whichever is convenient?

Can't unsee. Instead of a smile it is now the 'don't you dare put that in there' face.

Wow, we couldn't disagree more. The F40 looks like a sad panda to me, the F50 looks fantastic, similar to the F40 but with more round sculpting. The Enzo is severely over-styled.

Yup. No more $60 Chinese tires.

Meh. Pretty uninspiring, just a sleeker evolution of the current design. Nothing bad about it, but some of the earlier renders had me hoping for something much sleeker with a lower roof.

Yan Can Cook!

My parents live on a mountain so they use it every day. Definitely a niche market though.

I just vomited in my mouth. Those wheel wells...

It was raining so hard this morning that the beltway would have been a parking lot either way.

Yikes. I don't even know where to begin with this one. These is a huge variance between manufacturers within each country, plus you have to specify initial quality or quality over time (durability).